Kiss me goodbye and sleep.

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"Frank? What-why would you do that to her? You're so much better than this! I can't believe you!" Gerard yelled walking towards us. He pulled Frank off of me and picked me up bridal style and held me tight.

"She ran away Gerard! She needed to be taught that she is not to disobey us!" Frank yelled getting up and trying to grab me which just Me Gerard hold me tighter and me put my arms around Gerard's neck.

"save it Frank. I don't want to see you right now or hear what you have to say" Gerard then started walking out of the room into the hallway. He pushed open one of the doors which led to his room.

Gently, he placed me on his bed and closed the door. He started mumbling and opening drawers occasionally pulling things out.
"Here put these on, I'll be right back with your other clothes." He said handing me a red t-shirt and black pajama pants and then walking out closing the door behind him. I got up and put the clothes on, which were extremely baggy so much that I couldn't keep the pants on so I sat back down on the bed. Gerard's room was extremely messy and there was drawings everywhere. I looked around until something caught my eye. A bottle of vodka? I thought Gerard had been clean for a long time?
My thoughts were interrupted by Gerard coming back into the room with my clothes, or what's left of them. I put on my bra seeing that that was the only thing still in tact.
"I'm sorry about all this. I should've just asked you to hang out and we could've gone from there. But we can't let you go, we can't take the risk of you getting us arrested. I don't think I can make it in prison we won't be able to make it in there" Gerard was now rambling and I couldn't help but notice how stressed he looked. Also how unbelievably adorable and hot he looks. I tuned back in but I had a plan "you're just so pretty and I didn't think that it was possible for me to be with you and I'm sorry it had to be this way I really-" I cut him off by smashing my lips against his. This was my plan, getting him to trust me. Our lips moved perfectly in sync. Gerard licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I hesitantly agreed and opened my lips. It felt wrong. I felt to dirty for this. I just got kidnapped, raped, and now I'm kissing one of my captors. There were no sparks, no butterflies in my stomach, just kissing. It wasn't right. Thankfully Gerard pulled away before I had to.
"That was..amazing." Gerard said catching his breath.
"I can't believe I just kissed the Gerard Way." I felt extremely guilty. He felt something and I didn't. I laid down on the bed and cuddled Gerard hoping he'd fall asleep so I could try to escape, find a phone, or if both of those options failed, I'd find a weapon. About twenty minutes later Gerard was passed out. I stared at him a few moments to be sure and started slipping away from his grasp. About halfway through I heard the door open. I stopped dead in my tracks terrified. I looked at the door and saw Mikey standing there this his usual poker face until he realized what I was doing and he raised an eyebrow.
"Well um-I'm not going to make you explain this, but come with me." He said returning his face to its normal position. I finished slipping away and walked towards the door. I didn't know mikey as much so I didn't know how to act. I just followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen. Ray sat at the table on his phone. He smiled sympathetically at me. I could trust these two.
"I didn't really know about you being here until a couple days after you got here but you've gone almost a week here without eating or anything. I don't know how you did that but you did." Mikey said going into the fridge.
"A week? No it's only been two days.." I said. My voice came out hoarse and weak.
"It's been a got here on like last Thursday, it's Friday today." How? I couldn't have been that long, I've only seen it night once, how long was I asleep? "Frank said he-" Mikey was interrupted by Frank walking into the kitchen.  He looked clueless as of what we were talking about so Mikey let it go. I instantly got scared and teared up from the memories I've been trying to forget flooding back. Mikey saw the look in my eyes and gave me a sandwich he had just got done making and stepped in front of me protectively.
Frank looked at me then at Mikey and Ray with bloodshot eyes. He put his head down and barely croaked out
"I need to talk to her..alone." Ray got up and walked out while Mikey turned around and hugged me. "I'll be right outside the door, if anything happens just say my name and I'll be here. I won't let him hurt you again, I promise." He whispered and walked out giving Frank a death glare.
Here we go

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