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           Frank's POV
              (Oh shit waddup )
     A few months earlier

I finally did it. I got a house and pets and a job and changed my looks. It's been a long time since I've seen Jayden. I'm almost to the house. I can't wait to see her, I haven't stopped thinking about her since I left, I hope they didn't kill her, and I hope Mikey looked after her like I told him to.

Flashback-one day before Frank left

"Mikey, can I talk to you?" I called into his room.

"Yeah come in" he replied from his desk. I went in and shut the door .

"So, I'm planning on leaving, getting a house for me and Jayden, I can't stand her being here and getting abused...I love her...I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I promise not longer than a month, if I'm not back, save her. Get her out of here, get her away from your brother, take care of her and make sure she gets out. Please don't tell anyone this." I said to him very seriously.

" I promise" was all he said before walking away probably going to stall Gerard.

Present time
New York City, NY

I've looked everywhere. She wasn't at the house, nobody was. I knew she wasn't moved, because Mikey wouldn't break that promise. I've been in New York for a few weeks, I remember Mikey talking to me about how he had a place here, maybe that's where they were. The only problem is, I don't know where that is. Right now I was walking down a crowded street. All the sudden I felt a bump on my shoulder and within seconds 4 people ran in front of me, one man and three girls. The man had hair that reminded me of Mikey, and the girls, one had red that looked like Gerard's, one with purple, and one with mint green.
The girl with mint hair turned around for a second and yelled sorry. I couldnt believe it. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Her green eyes matched her hair, her flawless and pale face was graced by a perfect smile. She looked so happy, she looked like she didn't have any burdens, but most importantly, she looked like Jayden. It was Jayden. She was here! That guy didn't look like Mikey, it was Mikey! In all his thinking I've been clueless to the fact that her face has gone from joy to stunned.

"Frank?" She stuttered out. Before I could answer Mikey pulled her away and just stared at me with a disappointed face.

"Where the hell did you go Frank? Do you have any idea what you have put this girl through? What makes you think that after what you did you can just surprise her and it'll be all better? She spent nights crying, days crying, because you left her there. You're never going to see her again so say your final goodbye." He said angrily. Before he could even let out a breath Jayden ran over to me and intertwined our fingers with a tight grip. She stared at Mikey before finally talking

"Mikey, I know that you're mad at him. But all that matters is that he's here now. He found me. I don't know if this was by chance it is he was looking for me, but he's here. Plus, he is my boyfriend, and the one who got the idea of getting me out of that hell hole. He's the one who came up with the idea to escape." She said calmly.

"Whatever. But he's not staying with us." Mikey said defeated, probably because he could tell how happy she was seeing me. Even though there was pain lacing her once  perfect smile, she was happy.

"I actually have a house, like a huge one. We could all live there." I said. I looked at the other two girls who looked completely stunned, obviously they had no idea what was happening.

Jayden decided for everyone.
"that was the original plan, so that's what's happening."

"What about the club?" Red hair spoke.

"Scratch it, we're moving and you two are coming with." Jayden replied.

"It's only 40 minutes from here" I said assuming they all had jobs here.

"So we can keep our jobs" Jayden said to the two girls.

Ahhhaaaaaa I updated! See I told you big things are happening! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, vote and comment if you enjoyed!
Signing off, xox toxic.

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