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Hey hey hey I'm Gerard way way. Lilian's back for this chapter so enjoy I guess.

As Gerard runs with me up the stairs I feel something. It was that feeling when frank took me. I suddenly realize that I have to get out of here. Suddenly I try to break his grip but he is to strong. "LET GO OF ME" I shout to Gerard. I see a faint shadow in the distance and foot steps. Frank! Oh good he is has come to help me. "FRANK" I shout. "JAY-" then the door shuts. God damn it. My only chance to get out and Frank couldn't force his little ass to move quicker.

Gerard threw me on the floor and locked the door. He picked me back up from the floor and threw me on the bed.
"I don't want to do this to you, love." He said.
"Gerard please do-" I was trying to say but before I could finish he slapped me across the face.
"Don't fucking talk" he said harshly.
He ties my feet down to the bed. I sit up. Gerard comes over and pushes me back down and ties my hands to the railing of the bed. I honestly thought Gerard was a good person but this is just like how it was with Frank. What a horrible and cruel experience that was. "Please can we just work something o-" I got cut off. "I SAID DON'T TALK " Gerard yells at me.

Gerard starts taking off the black pajama pants he gave me. Oh god I just want to scream. Scream as loud as I can. I want to get out. Fuck this sucks. Maybe suicide can be an option after this. He throws them across the room. He takes off my panties slowly. I swear if he gets a boner I will scream. Look here. His little friend joined us. At least he isn't naked. He takes my panties and rips them with his teeth. "Now you won't be able to use these anymore" he holds up two things of fabric which were my panties. He throws them in the trash.

He slides off my shirt slowly. Why slowly? It makes it so much weirder. Great. Now he is struggling to get the shirt off my head. Fun fun fun. He finally gets them off with a tug. Fuck that hurt. He unhooks my bra. I try to squirm free but I can't. He takes my bra and throws it across the room. Next thing I know he is unzipping his pants. My eyes widen. No this can't be happening. I start crying again. "Don't cry!" He says. "I can't hel-" I get cut off AGAIN. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT NO TALKING" he yells at me. He takes his pants off and next thing his underwear. I wish his little friend can leave.

I hear something. It sounds like someone is calling my name. Apparently Gerard hears it too. His eyes are wide open now. He is staring at the door. I stare at it too and scream "HELP ME PLEASE"! Gerard gives me a dirty look and slaps me. He whispers in my ear. "Don't make a sound you understand me?" He pulls off his shirt. He then jumps on me. Fuck he is really heavy. I was okay with chubby Gerard but not like this. He is so much heavier then Frank. I squirm and do anything I can to get him off me. He starts going to a beat. Up down up down. Of course I'm breaking the beat. "Work with me you idiot" Gerard says.

I hear someone playing with the doorknob. "JAYDEN IM COMING" Gerard suddenly starts moving faster and I'm crying faster now. "HEL-" Gerard's mouth cuts me off. He licks the back of my throat and he licks my bottom lip. He moans. I then decide to bite his tongue. "Ow" he says.

Then I hear the door unlocking. "Gerard!" Frank says. Mikey and Ray stand there too. Gerard gets off me. "It-it's not what up think" Gerard says to the guys. Frank, Mikey and Ray stare at me. Ray and Mikey drag Gerard out. "LET GO OF ME" Gerard shouts. "YOUR PAYING FOR THIS JAYDEN" Gerard shouts at me. Frank runs over to me. He unties my feet from the bed and then my hands. I sit up and I hug him. He hugs me back. "I'm so sorry this happened" Frank says.
He wipes my tears and kisses me on the forehead.

I can't help but think that Frank did this to me too. I mean he apologized but still. I forgave him though. He picks me up and picks up my clothes. He takes me down the hall to his room. He sits me on the bed. He gives me my clothes. I put on the pajama pants. I don't feel comfortable wearing these. "Can I have a new pair of pants?" I ask Frank. "Sure" he replies. He scrambles through the drawers and finds a pair of black skinny jeans. He sees that I don't have any underwear either. He goes back looking in the drawer and finds a pair of boxers. "Hopefully these will do" Frank says. He throws them to me and I catch it.

I put on the boxers. Their kinda big but it's fine. It's better then nothing. I start putting on the jeans and I stop midway. "Why do you think Gerard did this?"

To be continued...

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