Just go with it..

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"why do you think Gerard did this?" i said with my hoarse voice. i finished putting my clothes on

"I dont know..all i know is that when Gerard tell us we need to do something, we do it. he lashes out and goes crazy if we dont." frank answered. we were brought out of our thoughts by Gerard bursting through the door with extreme force..

"Its my day, i fucking get her frank. you raped her. you dont get her right now. shes mine for the next hour." he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder which was easyish i guess for him considering that i was about the same height as frank.

   gerad started walking away. I started pounding on his back and yelling. It was useless because we already were in his room.

"This whole thing is bipolar. I'm sorry but you can't go running around like you own the place. I'm gonna let you rest because you're probably confused and scared. We kidnap you, Frank rapes you, I comfort you, I get pissed off because now you trust Frank, I r-r-raped you.." The last words were barely audible. "Then Frank comforts you. So rest. You've got a long life ahead of you here. And I don't know how much food sleep or anything the others will allow you. So I'm being nice" he plonked me down on the bed that he now had different sheets on and put the covers on me. I thought he'd leave but he just walked over to the other side of the bed and got in with me. He pulled himself close to me and molded his body to fit with mine. I flinched at his touch and in fear I kept my breathed shallow and infrequent as if breathing would set him off.

"Don't be afraid of me, I won't hurt you now, I promise." Now? But he will hurt me?

An hour has passed and again I was able to slip from Gerard's grip. I was about to get out when I heard him sleepily mumble.
"Where do you think you're going?"


"There's one in here, just go through that door" he said sitting up an pointing to a door.

"O-oh" I walked over to it and noticed a big window inside. My eyes got wide and my heart filled with hope. I closed the door and silently tried to open it. I wasn't opening but it wasn't locked, just stuck. I fumbled with it until I heard the door open and saw Gerard in the doorway

"What exactly do you think you're doing, sugar?" He said leaning against the doorway giving me a scolding look. "Just give it up, that Windows been jammed for years. Nobody could open it." He walked in and closed the door behind him.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you" he said hugging me.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too..." I sad back, almost crying from just thinking about loving him.

Desert Song-A mcr kidnappingWhere stories live. Discover now