Take your broken wings and learn to fly

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Eventually Gerard left me to do my girl business. I remembered that I was kidnapped and had a full blown panic attack. I think I was too caught up in my own thoughts to be completely insane over the fact that they kidnapped and raped me.
Maybe it's because I'm thinking too much about what I need to do according to fanfics and not the fact that they abducted me. Was anyone looking for me? Did anyone care? Obviously if they were looking for me we'd know right? Or I'd know. They'd see Gerard and Frank on the security cameras and make them suspects. Who am I kidding. Nobody is looking for me. I'm worthless. I decided to search for maybe a weapon or something useful in the drawers. It was all cosmetic and hair products. I looked under the sink. there was three bottles of jack Daniels And a little tin box, curious, I opened it to find razors. More than 20 of all shapes and sizes. I started to tear up. Gerard had been doing this? He's been drinking again? Self harming? I carefully closed the box and tidied up the bathroom so it didn't look like I was doing anything and walked out. Now mind be, I'm extremely empathetic. So no matter what someone has done, I still care for them. I walked out to find Gerard at his desk drawing.
"Gerard stand up" I ordered in a little fear of what he would do to me for telling him what to do. He stood up and walked over to me.
I ever so carefully picked up his arm and rolled back his sleeves to reveal more scars than I expected. New and old there was maybe 100 or more. All up and down his forearms. I looked at him to see shame and tears in his eyes. I hugged him tight while he sobbed. I let out a few silent cries myself.

"Please don't do this to yourself.." I said holding his shoulders and looking at his tear stained face.
"Why-why would you do this?"

"No matter how much fame I have or how many people may love me, there's still a little voice there that tells me that nobody likes me, and that this is all pointless. I feel others pain. I can't explain it to you, you wouldn't understand." He said wiping his eyes.

I took a deep breath and pulled up my sleeves to reveal twice as many and twice as deep cuts. Some were stitched.
"I do understand, understanding is what I do." I said looking from his scars to mine.
Gerard softly ran his fingers down my arms lightly touching the scars. A few were still bleeding from being split open from the events and some stitches were coming out.
"We have to get you fixed up." He said and picked me up bridal style. He quietly walked down the stairs trying not to wake anyone because it was late at night and walked into the downstairs bathroom.

He set me on the counter and took out a first said kit. Carefully he re-stitched my cuts, and cleaned them. He put gauze around them and started to close the first aid kit.

"Wait." I said getting off the counter.
"Get on the counter." I said pushing Gerard back onto it. I rolled up his sleeves and fixed him up. No cuts needed stitches, thankfully, but I did need to use surgical tape on a few. After I cleaned him up I did what he did to me and wrapped his forearms in gauze. I put the kit away and looked at Gerard.

His arms were patched up from self harm, he had bags under his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot, his black hair was greasy and a mess, it pained me to see him like this. The man who helped me through the hardest times in my life was fighting a silent battle.

"Why are you crying?" Gerard said looking me in the eyes.

"I am?" I wiped my face and sure enough I was.

"You're so beautiful.." He said cupping my cheeks with his hands.

"W-wha-" before I could finish he pushed his lips on mine. His eyes were closed but mine weren't. I wasn't enjoying this.

I heard someone quietly come down the stairs. I soon saw Frank appear in the doorway. Confused, and hurt, he gave me a look of sadness until I have his a look that said "help" and he softened up.

"Ehem, Gerard its 12:30am, it's officially my day to have her. Actually, you got her for an extra 30. It's my turn now." Frank spoke firmly I felt Gerard smile in the kiss like he knew what he was doing. He pulled away and licked my lip and put a smirk on.

Frank pulled me to him and started to walk off leaving Gerard by himself, in a bathroom, with scarred wrists and bloodshot eyes, at 12:30am.

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