In A Snap

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(Marks POV) 

Jack stood in front of me staring down at what he had just done. "Don't worry!" Mark called out. He didn't know exactly how to describe it but it was almost as if his words were traveling threw a long muffled tunnel and his vision shook around him. The air even felt different.  "Don't worry!" he called again.

Jacks head suddenly snapped forward and he looked Mark dead into the eyes. Jack looked down at his palms and Mark seen his pupils dilate in fear. "They're not dead yet... but there out.. for now." Mark finished.

Pushing himself to his knees he grabbed Matthias under the neck and under the knees and used his strength to push himself up. He swayed side to side holding him in his arms. Jack frantically cast his gaze around the room not knowing what to do with himself.

Mark got a rush of adrenaline in a slowed motion style ran towards the front door. He jumped as he ran turning the corner he heard Jacks dramatic steps rushing behind him. Hands obviously full he shoved his shoulder into the door hoping with all his might that his theory had been correct. 

With Dark temporarily knocked out his powers weren't protecting the house. Upon contact with the door it gave out and he stumbled forward. Mark squeezed Matt close to his chest as the bright moon and cool night air hit his face.

He hadn't been outside in 3 days but it felt like 3 months. 

And just like that, in a snap. 

The world went accelerated.

The cops lights in the darkness hit his face.

The door behind him shook on it's hinges as Jack took Marks flank. 

In an instance armed forced members braced us and took us by the shoulders leading us to the stationed ambulance.

At some point during this Matt had been taken from Marks arms the sirens started to blare and drive away. 

As Mark suddenly was being was sat and checked over by medical professionals he tore away there grasp and ran only a few paces forward to watch the speeding vehicle drive away with his barely alive friend.

Hands were on his shoulders as they grabbed him and pulled him back onto a stretcher. Then he heard Jack, his irshman voice booming in his ears over every other loud noise. 

In this instance he finally came to notice the mountains of fans that the cops had barricaded away from them. It brought him a small bubble of joy to see the people who cared for him.

Cops were coming out of the building with terror and confusion written across there faces. They dragged out Anti and Darks limp bodies under the arms on to the front pavement. Mark looked to the frantic Jack who was basically being held in a arresting restraint he starred helplessly to Mark from nearly 30 meters apart the street. "Calm down Jacky!" Mark shouted to him.

Jack eased a small bit and the medics let up. He turned back to the house when the really strange thing happened. The police walked out Wilford with his hands behind the top of his head, they could here his voice loud and obnoxious over the noise. "It was an accident I swear!" he shouted his ever so famous line.

Mark gave a look of disgust It wasn't even Wilford it was all Dark, all Dark! Tears welled in his eyes. When suddenly he remembered something... "MATT! RYAN!" he yelled out "GO CHECK THE ATTACHED BATHROOM UPSTAIRS, HURRY PLEASE!" The men inspecting the wounds of the 2 corpses stuck up there heads and exchanged a strange glance.

They got up and 4 of them ran into the house.

Thank god. A minute later the 4 men came back down the steps with Matt and Ryan staggering and pacing slowly at there sides. Mark let a small smile slip his emotions as he seen them conscious and moving.

 Now this is where the peculiar sh*t starts.

Almost 10 minutes later the Mark finally raked through the cops and huddled into his "comfort blanket" he said he's answer questions later after further medical treatment. He found his way to Jack and they convinced them to let them ride together to the hospital along with Ryan and Matt.

As the 4 of them were escorted away, a line of police behind them, Jack leaned in and quietly said, "Don't ask any questions we'll explain everything... away from to bobbies." (Bobbies is a Europe ish way of saying police) Matt and Ryan exchanged a confirming mumble and the four continued on in a straight manner.

They were boarded onto a truck and rushed away. 

-----Tiny Box Tim brings you this really short time skip----

(Jacks POV)

They arrived at the hospital gates. After being escorted into the building the back way they were split up to go to areas where they could be medically and mentally evaluated. I hope they don't find me crazy, Jack thought in horror I did just murder someone and for all they know they were...Human? And I don't think i'm exactly showing remorse right now.... He swallowed hard.

After a tedious evaluation the kind lady finally set Jack free to roam the heavily guarded hallway where he found Ryan and Matt. They stood in a circle untalking and uncomfortable Matt sipped a styrofoam mug of what Jack assumed was coffee he had somehow gained.

Finally Mark joined them with a bandaged gauzed wrapped arm. No one said much they all just waited around for news about there beloved friend. Mark began rocking back in forth on his feet. Jack carefully stepped closer to him and wrapped his arm around his dearest friends shoulder. 

Mark placed, practically pushed his head forcibly into Jacks shoulder blade and brought the cry on my shoulder cliche to the forefront. Jack rested his head atop his. Matt shuffled and chewed his lip and Ryan cleared his throat of emotion. 

Then it happened.

A tap on Jack shoulder. 

A light invisible tap.

Jack turned around quickly causing Mark to jump to full awareness. Jack grinned in joy and Mark gave out a strong hardy single laugh and a half grin.

 Ryan and Matt had no idea what was happening.

In front them stood Mathis. 

He looked weak and frail(er than normal). He squeaked out something inaudible. "Mathis!" Mark spoke in a calm manner like a father to a young son. Jack hugged Marks arm as he went on, "Mathis just hold on! Please just hold on for us, okay?" Mark said emotion clouding his thoughts.

Jack held out his free hand to the now flickering image of Mathis. Mathis scaredly reached out and sat his hand on top Jacks palm.

Hope filled inside Jack, Does this mean the doctors have Matthias stable?

Jack closed his eyes for a brief moment to take in the situation. When suddenly a finally tight squeeze in his hand and then just like that. The palm in his grasp wasn't there.

He flung open his eyes, Mark fell to his knees on the floor, and Mathis was gone.


My goal is to update this at ----400 views---- so I have a week or two to start the new story so lets make it happen thanks guys! 

                                                                                                                                                                 -Howl On !

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