Death and Google

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Once long ago, Death entered the cyber world. A world full of cats, talking fruit and a screaming full grown men. His demeanor and actions soon lead him to taking over the digital paradise. He ruled there alone for a long time.

Until one faithful day a new being was brought to creation. A small boy named Dark. He lacked the sheer numbers that Death had but he had the advantage of content.

Death existed from fan fic created in the minds of fans from people around the world.

Dark sparked from an original thought, made to reality. Slowly his powers rose over his years lurking in Deaths shadow.

Finally after Death thought his throne was pretected for good. Two thungs happened. Two things he didnt think hed ever rcover from.

Anti. Not only now did Dark have a reason to fight but a reason to live.

And two. Googleplier. Not only was Death growing weak to the powers of Dark but now a creature alike Dark but more cunning deisgned to quite literally be the very ruler this kingdom existed.

The virtual kingdom was at war.

Google had decided this war was enough and tried to end eveything. Engulfing them to wipe them out.

But Death by this point was weak. And Dark just too strong.

Dark stole Googles powers trapping him inside himself. Merged.

And with Death laying knocked down in defeat and Darkipliers new found powers he locks Death away and begins his reign of terror with Anti on his arm.

Thus taking over the Virtual Kingdom. The virtual world was his.

Darkipler being the power thirsty creature he was decides one day this world inst enough. So he hatches a plan to break free...

And here we are.

This was honestly gonna be a little filler chapter but daaaammmnnn I just summed up the whole story in 10 minutes im so proud of myself!!!

But like I was gonna say thanks for 3k reads! Means a ton! Or I guess... 1.5 tons?

Darkiplier × AntiSepticeye: Hostage SituationWhere stories live. Discover now