Five Years of Loneliness

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Waking up the the sound of men in my house is never a thing I wanted to happen, especially when it's the weird asses I work with. Before I can even open my eyes, a bucket of water spalshes over top of me and I feel waterboarded.


"What the fuck!" I jolt up to avoid being drowned by their stupid prank and of course it's Merle and my half brother Jesus. "Fuck you want assholes?"

"It's yer bird-day genuis! Happy Bird-day baby brudder!" Merle cackles and Jesus just has that ridiculously annoying smile on his face. God I hate them.

"Yeah come on Daryl! We have to celebrate. Go out and get drunk, see naked ladies at the..."

"Don't. I have to work tonight and tomorrow. Can't be drunk when there is the possibilities of fires. Ya'll know that. Especially you, Paul."

"It's Jesus broseph! Je-sus."

"I don't really care shit head. I have ta work. Being second in charge- someone has to be sober enough the run the calls." Standing up out of my now soaked bed, I walk across my room and find Huck, my trustworthy yet lazy Dalmatian, sleeping at the end of my bed on the floor. Damn dog, should've bit 'em in the asses. "If ya don't mind, I gotta get dressed and heading to the station. Huck, time to get up."

The dog yawns and stretches before laying back down on the rug. Mother fucker.

"Listen, ya only turn 26 once in yer life. Let's make it a good one." Merle has always believed in getting drunk and going to strip club- on any occassion. Me, I rather just be alone. Birthdays are just a sad reminder that you're approaching your death bed. And I don't wanna be reminded right now.

"You only turn every number once- dumbass. I ain't doin' nothing for my birthday and that's final. Whatever you have planned- do it by yerselves." Grabbing my clothes I head to my bathroom and take my shower. I hate birthdays. I hate parties. I hate celebrating anything. You're supposed to be happy when you celebrate things. Well I haven't been happy since....

"Do you think you love me Daryl?"

"I don't know. Why?" She swings on the swing as I lean against a the pole it's connected too.

"Because I know I love you. I know I do. And one day- we'll be married and have kids!"

Fuck. Don't think about it.


Sitting in my class, I long for freedom. How lomg can one person talk about the life style of Amish people- when we're supposed to be learning about Murders. I know we're covering Ed Gingrich in this chapter, but does Dr. Eastman have to talk about all Amish people? Can't we just get to Gingrich killing his wife Katie?

I bet the reason he killed her was because he was fed up with her cooking. Ha ha ha. Huh, criminology has it's downsides.

"Beth...hey...spppttt." Oh, Rosita.

"What?" Can't she just text me? Oh right, Eastman collected our phones like we're high schoolers. Grrr, I hate when teachers get all up in my business.

"You going to the party tonight?"

"I should study...but what the hell. I'm down." I said to myself that in college I wasn't going to be like everyone else- get drunk, have sex, fail out of classes. Well two of the three were out the window in the first month. Considering that I was tired living like Daddie's perfect little girl, partying and sex was pretty high on my list. It's how I met all my friends and not to mention Zach. Mmm, that boy is fine.

As Eastman finishes up his long a noring conversation on the Amish, I gather my things and head out. On the walk back to my dorm, I here a familar sound that takes me back...

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