Reliving the Past (Part One)

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Six Years Earlier

All I was trying to do was try my first cigarette. I know, I'm stupid for doing so- really stupid cause of how it ended up- but still, everyone does one stupid thing in their life. It wasn't like I was planning on getting hooked on it. Rosita gave it to me after first period and said that I should try it because it was fun and the boys would think I was sexy.

I don't need to be considered sexy, I don't really care about that sort of thing, but I did want to try and be a little rebellious since Daddy is a stickler bible thumper. Everyone else around me has parents who don't care if they smoke or drink or have sex, but my dad and mom would kill me if they knew I had a cigarette.

It was a lighter malfunction. It lit my cigarette and the liquid was about to leak on my hand and I was not going to get burned from holding the cigarette- so I dropped it and forgot about the hay near the shed. Let's just say it went up in a matter of seconds.

So standing on the hill by the house, I watch as firefighters drench the shed with their powerful hoses and that's when I see him. A younger man, handsome guy with long dark hair, and powerful blue eyes. He's what I've always thought of when I thought of fireman- not like the rest of them, older and kind of let go. His eyes meet mine and I loose my breath. He starts walking up to me and I feel all jittery.

"S'up." He has his hands in his pockets and seems so cool with his ripped jeans and black fireman a shirt.


"You set the fire?"

"No!" He raises an eyebrow. "Okay, yes, but it was an accident."

"Daddy doesn't know his little princess smokes?"

"I do not smoke!"

He holds up the pack of cigarettes I had dropped as I ran away and I shove his hand down so no one sees it. He chuckles.

"So these just magically appeared and set a fire?"

"I got them from my friend and was gonna try one. Just one- the lighter leaked the fluid everywhere and almost took me up with the hay. I didn't mean to set the fire. And I don't want to get in trouble."

"Well Princess, I can tell them that it was just the hay over heating from the bailer- but you owe me."


"Okay. How about a date tonight and this goes bye bye." He jiggles the box of cigarettes and I widen my eyes. " he stuffs them in his pocket and I nod my approval. "Okay, meet me at Rocky's Tavern tonight at 7pm."

"Okay...I'm Beth, by the way."

"Daryl. And next time- try not to light up near flammable things. Dumby." He walks off back down the hill and talks to the fire Chief and I watch them start to roll the hoses back up. He is really nice. He's really good looking. He's probably going to be trouble.


As I sit in the tavern, drinking my beer, I keep checking my watch. It's 6:55 and she's still not here. I knew she was just gonna take the cover up and leave me empty handed. College students- they never live up to their promises. Nursing my second beer, I keep my head low in my booth and think about the course of time and the purpose to life- it sucks. There is no purpose.

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