Limetless or Almost

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She fell asleep on me yesterday. She was so battered and upset that her tears knocked her out completely. I moved her into my room and sat in my arm chair watching her. She's so could that fucker hurt her and not feel bad. How could he just beat the shit out of her and not feel terrible about it? It makes me sick. It makes me beyond angry. He'll pay for this. He will pay for every bruise, the baby, her wrist, the gashes. He will pay.
My attention is taken to Beth, who is tossing and turning rapidly in bed, bkdy thrashing and her voice mangled, pleading, desperate. Going to the edge of the bed, I place a hand on her and try to shake her awake, but get her cast thrusted hard into my noise- forcing me to hit the floor hard- the thud, pulls her from her nightmare and she jolts up. Tears coming down her face, she looks to see where she's at but finds me on the floor, blood gushing from my nose. Least I know it's not broken.

"Daryl!" She jerks from the bed and sits behind me, grabbinh the tissue box, she removes my hand, blood flowing everywhere, and forces me to lay my head in her lap. Looking up at her, the tears are drying on her cheeks, but her eyes are still welled up. "I'm so sorry...please don't be mad."

She cringes as I go to place my hand upon her right cheek, but seeing the blood, I rethink it and just relax back into her lap.

"I'm not mad. You were having a nightmare- it's not like you were even concious of what you were doing." I smile to reasure her that I'm fine.

"You have bags under your eyes..."

"Ehh, they never leave."

"Did you even sleep?" Looking at the clock she sees that it's 8:30 in the morning and I shrug my shoulders. She's been asleep since 7:00 AM yesterday. "I slept for 13 hours! You should have woken me up."

"Beth, it's fine. You needed to sleep."

"You need to sleep. You never do. You're always up for calls or working at the station. It's not healthy or safe for you not to sleep!" She's right, God I hate that. "You need to sleep Daryl."

"Maybe I don't want to."

"You're going to sleep." She demands and I raise my eyebrows.

"Who do you think you are commanding me around, Missy?" She squeezes the sides of my face.

"Your worst nightmare. Now get in bed!" Taking the tissues out of my nose, the bleeding finally stopped. Sitting up, I tug my shirt off and soap up a wash cloth for the blood on the wood floor and clean it off with disinfectant. When I'm done with that, she is juat standing by the bed pointing at it for me to lay down. Walking toward her slowly, stalking my pray with vicious eyes, she tries so hard not to break, but soon her hand slowly drops to the side and her head is casted down. Taking my hand, I geasp her chin between my thumb and my pointer finger and tilt her head up to look at me. Her eyes have no force or authority in them. They seem helpless and frightened.


I can't help but feel my body shake and weaken. No matter how hard I try, I can't stop losing control over my confidence. There is something about Daryl that makes me feel so weak, but safe. Looking into his soft blue eyes, mine tear up and I try so hard to be strong, but I'm so weak. Gently pulling me toward him, he leans forward and kisses me ever so gently on the lips. Telling me that I have nothing to worry about. Telling me that he is going to keep me safe. In one gentle scoop, he picks me up like a child and lays me back in bed. He knows I am still whiped out from everything- how does he know me so well. Crawling over top of me, he hovers over me for a few minutes, just gazing down into my crystalized blue eyes. Looping my arms around his neck, I bring him closer to me, kissing him, wanting him- I want what we had. I want him to be mine again. I want him to want me like he used too- to claim me as his own. His lips are gentle, he used to be rough and lustful. He used to force his lips upon me, not in a bad way though. Kissing him now feels like this isn't even Daryl, but someone older and more refined- a gentleman. Daryl was never a gentleman- he was what a lot of people thought was vermin. People said he would never be good enough for me amd the sad thing is is he believed it. For so long everyone made him feel worthless, but I know who he really is. He is loving, funny, an ass most of the time, and brave. So stupidly brave.

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