Sleepless Nights

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It was around midnight when Tara and I were done with my life story. She cried when I showed her the cut on my arm. She told me she never heard such a tragic story about two people she knows. After I hugged her goodnight, I left. I noticed Daryl's truck was still here, so I left. If he can't even come see me and apologize, then maybe we shouldn't be together. I hate this tormented feeling. This pain. Okay, when I was younger I was just as cruel as him- maybe. He needed his own time to cope, but I needed him too.

Walking through town, I pass his house and head towards my father's home on the outside of town. I know I could have went to Maggie's or back to Daryl's, but right now. I just want to walk. The cool spring air chills my arms  and goes up inside my t-shirt. I shiver as I walk. Suddenly a pair of headlights come down the road behind me, but I keep walking. I hear the truck slow, but I never do. Great I'm gonna be murdered on my way....

"Hey! Need a ride?" Turning around, I see a man standing up outside his truck, behind his opened door. I can't see cause the lights are blaring in my eyes. As I try and walk away, a rough hand grabs mine and pulls me towards them. I'm about to turn around and slug the person to get away, when I turn to punch and they dodge it and I notice a familiar face. "Watch it, Blondie."


"Haha yeah. Watcha doing out here by yerself?"

"I was walking to my dad's. What are you doin'?" I look at him as he lets go of my hand and stands up straight.

"Going to yer dad's to pick up Gabe. Maggie and I were at dinner- I just dropped her off cause she wasn't feeling well." I smile and he starts walking to the truck. "Come on."

Getting in his truck, he drive me the rest of my way to dad's and gets Gabe, who's fast asleep, and leaves. sitting on the porch, I look at my phone and there are no messages. Then again, it is 3:00 in the morning. I should be sleeping, but I can't. Sitting with the moon shining down on me, I just cover my arms, that are still bare. I don't feel like sleeping or being inside right now. As I lay my head in my lap, I just think about all the nights I sat on this porch, waiting for Daryl to come riding in like Prince Charming to pick me up. He never came.


Rick dropped me off at the station around 2:00. I expected Beth to be asleep in the bunks, but she wasn't. So I head head home, expecting her there, but she isn't either. Panic sets in and I just get back in my truck to go searching for her. As I drive around town, the only place I can think of  is Hershel's. I take a chance and drive all the way out there. When I pull in the driveway, It's really foggy and the blue moon is bright, trying to break through the fog. As I get out, I walk to the porch, and there, a sad sight, is Beth hunkered up in ball, laying on the porch in the cold night air. I go to her, slowly kneeling beside her and pulling her up into my arms. At first she is still asleep, but soon my body heat warms her up and she just cuddles into me.

"Beth..." I whisper sweetly in her ear. "What are you doing silly?"

Her eyes struggle to open up, but when she looks into my eyes, her smile grows before she closes her eyes once more. Picking her up, I carry her like a baby to my truck. Getting inside, I warm it up and just sit with her in my arms. Why was she out there in the cold? Sleeping on the porch like that?

"Bethy...why were you sleeping on the porch?" I ask her as I move a piece of hair away from her pink, cold cheeks.

"I was'd come." She tiredly says and falls back asleep. How many times had she waited for me like that? How many nights had she snuck out of her room, just hoping that I would show up to take her away? Driving home, her head is on my lap as she sleeps across the bench seat of my old truck.with a hand on her head, I gently stroke her hair as I drive.

We reach my apartment around 4:20 and I carry her upstairs. Taking her to my bedroom, I pull her jeans off of her and tug on some pajama pants that are slightly too big. Grabbing a sweat shirt, I pull it down over her head and tuck her under the covers. Crawling in behind her, I pull her to my body and fall asleep.

My dreams are sweet in the beginning, but soon they turn into horrible nightmares.


I wake up to Daryl thrashing and moaning beside me. When did I get back at Daryl's and changed into his clothes? He starts moving in a shaking motion. He must be having a nightmare. Sitting up, I gently pull his head and shoulders into my lap, his head nestled close to my stomach. He slowly calms and he arms come up and wrap around my waist as I sit up in bed. Looking at the clock, it's 7:30.

I brush his long hair away from his eyes and scratch my fingers against his stubble.

"I got you, Daryl. I got you." I say and lean down, kissing his forehead. He must have came and got me from my dad's porch. He was finally my Prince Charming and I wasn't even awake to see it.


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