How to Piss Off Men

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I figured nothing would get disgusted. With her stubbornness and my temper, neither of us were going to benefit from that meeting, but pregnant. She allowed that dipshit to impregnate her. What's worse is he's a loser and won't commit. She'll have to force him to pay child support.  And who am I to judge? Things happen, but that guy doesn't care about anyone but himself.

I pray I'm wrong, but someone is going to get hurt, and I just hope it's not Beth when the curtain falls.


"What? Jesus?" His face is annoying the shit out of me today. Those damn perfect blue eyes and long hair in a man-bun.

"I heard you went to see a lady the other day? Last week. Thursday to be specific." Rolling my eyes, I continue my work and ignore his comment.

"Yes. I did. Now leave. I have to log these fire codes in the new handbook." I'm really not in the mood for him today. For anyone to be exact.

"Did you get any?"

"No. Now leave me be!" Standing up, he scoffs and walks off muttering under his breath. He needs to grow up and learn when people don't wanna talk.


Sitting in Zach's dorm, I try to think of how to bring up not only the baby, but the fact that I'm breaking up with him. As he starts kissing ny neck, now is a perfect opportunity so I don't have to deal with his mouth on me. His mouth never used to bother me until I saw Daryl again. His teeth are a greenish yellow and his breath constantly smells like mustard and garlic. Daryl's moth always smells minty and his teeth are almost as white as paper.

"Can we talk?" I pull away from him and he sighs angrily.

"What?? I was in the middle of something." I forgot, his temper is worse than Daryl's.

" I missed my period."


"So, I'm pregnant."

"It's not mine."

"Yes it is. You're the only guy I've been having sex with. I know you don't keep that as a general rule or courtacy when dating people, but I do and I'm having your baby." Standing up, he paces and growls.

"Here's what's gonna happen. You're getting an abortion and that's the end of that. I ain't taking care of no damn kid." When I don't awknowledge his demand, he forcefully grabs my shoulders and shakes me hard. "Hear me!!??"

"Y...y...yes. Yes." That was so scary. My arms hurt and so does my neck. I think he gave me whip lash. Letting go, he smashes his face into mine and kisses me really hard. When he pulls away, I stand up and walk out of his apartment. I don't wanna feel like that again. I don't wanna be scared any more.

***One Month Later***

Sitting at my desk, it's 9:30 at night and no calls at all. It's been slow, but not as slow as this past month. All I can think about is Beth and that baby now. All I want to do is punch that Zach in the face. Just his name alone pisses me off. I know he ain't gonna take care of her, guys like him wouldn't. But she swears he's gonna be there for her. Swears he's gonna be a good father. How? How can he do that when he acts the way he does? Why doesn't she get it?


"Tara, I'm busy right now." Her sweet little face turns up and comes in anyway.

"There was a phone call for you. It was the Macon General Hospital..." Macon, Beth goes to school in Macon. "A woman was checked in and asked them to call you to drive her home."

"Name?" I nervously say.

"Beth Greene." Standing up, I grab my jacket and sprint out the door to my truck. Pressing the gas pedal down I drive as fast as I can. Macon is quite a distance aways for me. Almost an hour an a half- maybe even two. If Beth called me, thay means that it's serious, but not serious enough to bring Hershel into it.

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