E is for Electrified

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Shutting the truck off, I watch Beth climb out her side and waltz into the fire station. Once she's gone I grab my bandana from my pocket and I'm about to wipe the dirt off my dashboard when I stop. She knows I can't stand anyone doing damage to my truck. I would pummel the person who ruined it, but this is Beth. As badly as I want to take back the proposal, I don't want to erase her from my life. I do love her and want her to be happy- and maybe that's not with me, but I don't want to ruin what little of a friendship we have because I'm a conceited ass.

Tucking the bandana back in my pocket, I leave the dirt there and exit my truck.

"Hey...what's with the blonde?" Tomas asks as he comes sauntering across the parking lot agitated.

"She's our new EMT." I go to walk passed when he places his hand on my chest and stops me.

"I don't remember us voting her in ese."

"Bite it Espinosa. Tonight we vote, but we still need an EMT and right now, she's all we got. So suck it up or bug the Chief about it- oh and he and you don't have that great of a track record- so keep that in mind." Pushing passed him, I walk into the bay and start checking tanks. I haven't been keeping up with them lately due to the distraction that has long tanned legs and sparkling blue eyes. Maybe this won't work out according to plan.

"Dixon...can I talk to you for a sec?" Tyreese hollers from the crows nest.

"Can it wait? I got tanks to check."

"Nah, Chief called in an order and it didn't get done, like you said it would. Now he's pissed."

"Fuck...okay I'm coming." Setting the Ox tank down, I head up stairs and find an angry woman standing in my face as I enter the nest.

"Are you the man in charge here?"

"Umm, technically at the moment, Yes Ma'am." Next thing I know she slaps me right across the face. "Alright...hcch, what can I do for you?"

"You can start by doing the job you were supposed to a week ago!" What is she talking about. She slaps me again. "You were supposed to check my electrical box because my lights were flickering  and it was interfering with my fire alarm and other household items. I could have a fire on my hands and it'd be all yer fault! Yer Chief said you would personally take care of it and you have yet to do so!"

"I'm terribly sorry Ms...."

"Davis! Regina Davis! Is everyone incompetent around here you. Can't even get a name down while taking a message! I mean no wonder my house hadn't been done yet- I'm asking a couple of baboons to look after it!" She shrills and Tyreese and I j ust feel shrink against the obnoxious sound.

"Ms. Davis I will gladly fix yer problem right now if you'd like to escort me to your property Ma'am." I bow my head slightly so to avoid her slap and she flips her gray curls out of her face and turns on her elephant kankles and heads out and down stairs. "If I don't come back, tell the Chief I may have been murdered."

"Well you know who she is right?"

"Ms. Davis."

"No dummy! That's the Chief's soon to be ex-wife."


"I'm sorry man. Yer on yer own. Good luck." Shaking my head, I turn on my heel and race after the old lady, who is surprisingly nimble and quick on her stocky feet. She's like the female version of John Goodman, only I would rather be slapped by John that this bitch. No wonder Chief is getting rid of her.


"Beth I'm busy. Just..."

"I wanted to say...I love you...and I'll see you tonight."

DestinedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora