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Dears Readers,

I'm sorry for putting you through all that just to switch the story plot on you. To clear the waters, Daryl was in his dreams the whole time. He falls asleep so much because of his failing heart that when Beth, his nurse, sits with him, he listens to her stories and makes them his own. He has Alzheimer's and rarely is he ever lucid long enough to know that he is actually 85 years old and in a retirement home that the state put him in after a public incident due to his bipolar disorder- remember when Rick say that his anger would get him in trouble one day- that's because his real life friend Rick said that one day and when he was around 61 or 62 his. Bipolar disorder caused him to go into a rampage in public and he accidentally hurt a store clerk. So the state sentenced him to the retirement living facility to be medicated.

He really has no recollection of any of that happening though. So he kind of lives off of Beth and Paul's live experiences when he passes out and makes them his own.

It's really sad because these things do happen and you're never truly ready to be put in the care takers shoes, like poor Beth. So that is also why we sort of see a dialect change in the second to last chapter, because the real him is coming through and telling him that Beth doesn't truly belong to him.

It's all rather sad, and I even bawled my eyes out when airing it, which rarely happens. So I do hope you enjoyed the story, even if you didn't really care for the ending.

  Almy Rose

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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