Chapter 2

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I watched him walking away. That's it? This was all he had to tell me? We haven't seen each other in a while and all he says is "You're not the one I fell in love with" ? You have to be kidding me. No-one's just walking off from THE Aimeé Baker. Yeah, I grew a pretty big ego, but I don't care. Boys seem to love it. 

"Harry STOP!" I yelled after him, but he didn't turn around. So it was up to me to chase him. When he realized that I was following him he sped up and was running now. The distance between ourselves grew wider and wider until he bumped into someone and fell backwards. I ran faster and finally grabbed his arm. He looked at me, his eyes opened in shock and fear.

"We need to talk, Styles."

"Fine" he gave me a nod and followed me down the streets. We walked in silence. Not a comfortable one, just so to say. I glanced at him from time to time. He was looking straight onto the pathway, avoiding my gaze and clenching his jaw. I don't really know what's going on with him. But I took the opportunity to check him out. He was wearing a white, plain shirt, beige chino trousers and a beanie. He was as sexy as always. I really don't know how I could have chosen Luke over him.

And the memories flashed all back. Just by remembering his name. His deep ocean blue eyes. It always seemed like he was looking right into your soul. His ruffled blonde, sexy hair. It always looked like he can't get control over it, and yes, it looked like bed hair. But it was sexy. Luke's hot body. I can't forget the view of him just wearing swim pants. And at least his character. He was nice, caring, sweet, adorable - everything you wish for in a boy. I miss him. Gosh, I miss him so much. But I'm never going to admit it. I have to live my new life like I wanted it to be. I could never let anyone know that this boys fucking broke me. He left me like a mess on the inside but like a glamorous star on the outside.

But sometimes I wonder if he's missing me. If he's thinking about me. If he's dreaming of me. If he still remembers my bad and good sides. And if he's happy with his new girlfriend now. Shit, I mean his girlfriend, not "new" girlfriend. We were never even together.

"Aimeé?" Harry waved his hand in front of my face. I must have been drifting off in thoughts. Thinking about Luke makes me living in my own little world.

"Oh hi... Um OK, so what was that before? Why were you acting like this? What do you mean by -" he placed his hand over my mouth. "Do you ever shut up?" Harry asked. I just shook my head from right to left, because I couldn't speak. Firstly, his hand was still over my mouth. Secondly, his face was just inches apart from mine.

"As I said Aimeé, you're not the one I fell in love with. The Aimeé I fell in love with doesn't go around, kissing random boys and dressing like a slut. Sorry, but it's the truth. I don't know why you've changed so much, I just do know that you're not yourself any longer." he ended his little statement. I caught my breath in my throat and started speaking. The words were just flooding out of my mouth.

"OK, listen Styles. Have you ever been really heartbroken? Have you ever felt like you're nothing? Have you ever felt like you're worthless? Has the love of your life ever left you by just leaving a little note saying she loves you? I guess not. So listen, it feels like shit. I was up in my room for weeks when Luke..." I spat the word out "... first said that he's going to leave soon. I was nothing than a mess. I was crying all day, I felt my heart break into little pieces. I really was nothing but heartbroken! I can't express my feelings in words, but I hope you can a bit imagine yourself.
So when Luke and I met up again, everything was perfect. I thought everything was going to be fine again. But then he left. He left without a word. He left in the middle of the night. Just leaving a note, saying he loves me, but he thought that we would never make a good couple. Because of the distance and those shit. I can't believe him until today. I felt the same way like before. But I guess he isn't feeling anything towards me anymore, because he has a new girlfriend now. And I bet he's happy.  Being heartbroken, Tarry came up to me and I started to build a wall around my heart. I started to put on a mask. I did pretend that I'm happy and funny, bust the most funny people are the most broken ones, you know? And I wanted to be recognized by boys and I wanted the girls and school sluts wishing to be in my shoes and look like me. I wanted no-one to notice my heartbroken condition. And you know why? I didn't want to be known as "the girl Luke Hemmings left". No, I wanted to be known for me. So I had to make a difference! I changed my image. I'm not the sweet Aimeé everyone used to know, Harry. People change. But the memories don't. I know I'll never forget about him. He made clear that I fell in love with the wrong person again." I started crying. I've never told someone so much about my feelings and emotions. And about being heartbroken. Even Tarry doesn't know everything I just told Harry.

He didn't say anything, he just came up to me and embraced me in a hug.

I heard him whisper "I told him not to break your heart." And somehow this made me smile. Knowing someone's caring about you and your feelings. He let me cry as much as I needed. When I looked at him, his shirt had a big and fat make-up and tear spot. "Thank you Harry." I said, kissing his lips lightly. It wasn't a kiss full of love. It was a kiss full of thanks and friendship.

We walked to the hotel me and the girls were staying in. When we arrived at my door, I hugged him goodbye. "You know, nothing of this happened." I told him. He just smirked.

"Good night Aimeé Baker." Harry said and walked down the hallway. "Good night Harry Styles" I whispered, but I guess he could hear it, because he turned around and smiled at me. I smiled back and opened the door.

No-one of the girls was home, as I assumed. It was only 1 in the morning. We're normally back at 4 or 5.

I changed into my pajamas and threw my hair into a messy bun. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and crawled under the blanket. I checked my phone. 1 message from Luke. His normal "Good night Aimeé" SMS. I didn't reply to any of them, but he just kept going on and on. But the talk with Harry changed something.

Sending the text, I laid down and drifted off to sleep.

Luke's POV

I heard my phone vibrate. What time is it? I wanted to keep a look at the clock but a red-haired girl blocked my view. My "girlfriend". I hate to do this, but it's for publicity, and I do want to become famous with 5 Seconds of summer. And I can't break the heart of a girl.


It hurt enough, leaving Aimeé.

I turned to my table and grabbed my phone. I had one new text message, making me smile.

"Good night Luke."


Hey guys!What do you think about Aimeé telling Harry the way she feels? And why she turned out the way she is now?

Please rate, vote and comment on the story!

I love you all and you're beautiful, don't forget that! xxxxx

The next update will be up in a few days or tomorrow, because I'm going to visit a friend of mine and there will be no time to post it on Saturday or Sunday xx

Here We Go Again (sequel)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें