Chapter 10

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Aimeé POV

The boys were still on stage when I noticed a dark silhouette making its way towards me. I looked closer and noticed a few curls.
"Harry!" I said smiling and jumping in his arms. I haven't seen him for so long. After the party we didn't get in contact and I somehow understand him ignoring me. I was a complete bitch and it's still hard for me to become myself as how I was before Luke left me again. Watching Harry smiling at me he leaned closer pulling me in for another hug.

"So good to have the old Aimeé back." he said in his usual slow, deep voice. His breath flew over my neck and sent tingles down my spine.My heartbeat quickened and my breath did as well. 'Something is wrong here' I thought to myself and pulled out of the hug, sending Harry an excusing but sweet smile. He looked at me confused but soon his face softened and he started talking again.

"Ya know, I've missed you so much. But I see you've finally made up with Luke? He's talking non stop about you Aimeé and I bet this time he won't be such an asshole he was last time when he left you. I made sure he regret leaving you..."

"How did..." "Never mind princess."

The way he spoke the word princess made my heart flipping over. What's going on with me? I can't fall for Harry, can I? Probably not. I'm in love with Luke. I guess it's just because of the meet up after so long. I looked into his deep green eyes and smiled. They were full of honesty and trust and love.

"One Direction are on in 5 minutes!"

"I have to go Aimeé! Just remember, if Luke ever hurts you I'm there for you." Harry smiled at me and then turned away and left towards the stage. I was standing alone and taking my surroundings in. There were a few boxes for sound and a little paper here and there. Backstage was always so empty ugh. I let my gaze wander and soon a table full of food appeared. My stomach had started to make stupid rumbling noises a few minutes ago so I decided to just eat a bit.

Well, a bit turned out into a lot.

"Look who's eating our food!" Ashton yelled, grabbing my waist and spinning me around. I giggled and the bit of cake I've eaten last seemed to stuck in my throat. I coughed so hard I doubled myself over.

"Shh baby" Luke said patting my back, waiting for me to stop coughing. 'Baby' sent more tingles down my spine than Harry's 'princess' did and my heart seemed to stop for a few seconds. The whole world seemed to stop. Everything was perfect again. It was like we're back to London, having our first date or whatever. It feels so right. I couldn't help but grin at this word. I couldn't help but grin. And Luke grinned back at me. His amazing smile that always made my knees go weak. Luke put his one arm around my shoulder and with the other one he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. I don't know how I deserve such a great boy.

"Boys we're going to mine. See you tomorrow" Luke told them and I heard whistles. My cheeks were burning and I could imagine myself being red like a tomato. Great. I buried my face in Luke's crook of his arm, so nobody would see me blushing. I wasn't used to it anymore. I was used to my usual smirk, but since I've met and talked to Luke again, I was never wearing this smirk. I guess something inside me changed.
I felt a pair of lips pressed onto the top of my head and I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment.

* 20 minutes later *

"Look at this!" Luke said, pointing towards a couple of stars. As we reached his home we went to the backyard and laid down onto the cool grass. We've been talking for a while before starting to look into the sky, watching the stars. The whole time Luke was holding my hand, I was wearing his jacket to keep me warm and he had an arm swung around my waist, so I was cuddled up to his side. One of those chick flick moments, I know.

"Look, a shooting star Luke! You have to wish for something!" I said, pointing towards the sky like he did a few seconds ago. He looked at me, confused. I gave him the same look, but soon he started to chuckle.

"What's so funny, huh?" I asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

"I was just laughing about myself. I wanted to say something out of a chick flick. Blame me but it's true." He answered, smiling and looking deep into my eyes. I recognized the far too less distance between our faces and I guess Luke did, too. His eyes flickered to my lips and back to my eyes. Mine did the same. And with that he closed the gap.

His lips felt so warm in contrast to his cold cheeks and nose. Our lips moved in perfect sync and I could see the fireworks shooting around us. It hit me. I've never stopped loving Luke and I'll never stop loving this special kind of guy. He conquered my heart faster than you could say love. He's always hypnotizing me with his blue eyes, cute dimples and amazing smile. I'll always remember his blonde, messy hair. And I'll never stop loving his amazing character. Even though he hurt me, I will always forgive him.

The kissed ended way too soon. I touched my lips, to convince myself this kiss was real. I looked up, meeting Luke's gaze. He was smiling and so were his eyes. I kissed him one more time before making myself comfortable again in his arms.

"I don't want this to end." Luke whispered and I nodded. I don't want it either, but I had to win a competition tomorrow, therefore I have to go to bed soon. And I already could feel my eyelids going heavy.

I nestled my face in Luke's arm and took a deep breath. I took in his cologne. He smelled like heaven. Ugh. I'm going too over-emotional!

After a few minutes I began drifting off to sleep, Luke singing a song for me. I didn't recognize it but it didn't matter. Luke's soft voice calmed me down, took away the anxiety of tomorrow and let me go into a light slumber. I felt someone lift me up, I assume it was Luke. Hearing footsteps I opened my eyes a little, noticing I was facing his chest, listening to his constant heartbeat. One of the most amazing sounds on earth. Closing my eyes again I felt him lay me down on a bed and placing himself next to me, wrapping his arms around me. His face was nestled in the crook of my neck and his breath sent me goosebumps down my spine.

"All I could wish for is right here in my arms."


Heey guys! New chapter as you can see, haha :D

I've worked on it for quite a while now, because I was never ok with it. I have so many ideas for Luke and Aimeé, I don't know where to place them in the story . So I guess this story is going to be longer than "Out Of My Limit".
To say forward - Luke and Aimeé aren't together... yet. But they'll soon be, I promise (hehe not too soon but soon.)

Anyway, please leave a comment or vote and share the story!
I'd really appreciate 5 votes on this chapter, because it's one of those chapters, I really like.

Anyone reading this, who is struggling with self-harming, eating disorders, anxiety and so on - stay strong, there are people who care for you! I care for you, even if I don't know you. I struggle with one of those problems myself, so I know how hard it is to stop and not to give up on yourself.So please stay strong, I care for you and love you!

Love you guys xxx

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