Chapter 3

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"I came in like a wrecking ball

I never hit so hard in love

All I wanted was to break your walls

All you ever did was wre-e-eck me"

The music sounded in my ears. We were on our way to Australia. Yeah, champions chip! I'm so proud of myself, I did it! I got under the best 10 to fight for the name of the "international ice-skating pro". Everyone around me was smiling, they were having the best time of their lifes.

Oh yeah, guess what happened earlier?


The next day I woke up, surrounded by voices. "Did she -" "Yeah" "Omg why-" "Shut up, you'll wake her up!" The last voice was the one of Tarry. I didn't bother to open my eyes, I lunged for a pillow and threw it at them. I knew I hit someone, because there was a noise sounding like "hmpf". I smiled to myself. "That's not cool, A!" Kelsey shouted. Yup, she's the one I hit. High-five to me. I slowly opened my eyes just to stare into 8 pair of familiar eyes. Kelsey, Tarry, Lola and Josie were sorrounding my bed. "What the fuck girls?" I asked them. They just broke into a stupid grin and then left. Ok, that's weird. I got up and checked me up and down in the mirror. Yup, I'm a mess. I mean, my make-up is all over my face, I must have cried tonight cause I can see the trail of tears running down my cheek. My hair wasn't how it was supposed to stay and my eyes were puffy red. "Hell yeah, I'm sexy" I said to myself, noting the sarcasm.

Walking into the kitchen I slipped and fell to the ground. "Ouch!" I shouted and that gave the girls the rest. They broke out laughing, Tarry was rolling on the ground and couldn't control herself. I rubbed my ass. It really hurt! Standing up I gave them a death glare.
"Tell me what's up with you!" I shouted at them in annoyance. I grabbed a bowl and poured the cereal into it. Grabbing a spoon I started to eat.

They looked at each other. Then Kelsey spoke up. "We know you're texting with Mr. Ex again.". Those little, fucking bitches checked my phone? WHAT THE FUCK! "Why did you check my phone?" I asked them, my voice was filled with anger. "Wait, I don't want to know." I tried to calm myself. Really, they've lost my trust into them. And it needs a long time to gain it back.
"See, we're sorry, but your mobile vibrated and the message you've sent Luke came on. Oh yeah, and it vibrated because the coach called you." Kelsey said, turning around on her heels and walking away. This girl is the instance of strangeness. Woah.

I got up from my seat and walked into my room again. I dialed the coach's number and after the 3rd rang she picked up.

"Hey Aimeé!"

"You've called me? What's on?" I asked her.

"Oh, yeah you girls have to be ready at 4pm."

I was shocked. "Why?"

"Becauuuuuuse - you girls have been choosen for the champions chip in Australia!" my coach said.

All I did was screaming and jumping around.

*Flashback ends*

So here I am, sitting in a plane to Australia and pretending to be happy. I mean, I am happy. Just the song, which is on replay the whole flight, reminds me of so much. So much of someone. Someone named Luke. Luke like in Luke Hemmings. Yup, I can't forget about him.
But I guess he has forgotten about me, because when I checked my phone in the morning, I didn't have an answer to my good night message. He's probably moved on. "Now it's your turn" a voice in my head said. But I don't want to! Hope dies last! I answered. Woah, I'm really talking to myself. See, how weird I got? Yeah, wouldn't have thought that either.

The refrain started to play again. I love Miley. I sometimes think, her songs are about my life. Like we're soulmates. Like she's feeling the same way I am. But then I remind myself, that probably every girl, who lost a boy, will feel like me. I'm not that special at all. Poor me!
Tarry leaned forward, janking her mobile in front of my face. She wanted to take a photo. So I smiled like an idiot. I don't know why, but I'm lucky Tarry didn't leave me as other people did. I don't want to say a name *cough* Luke *cough*. Woah, it hurts thinking about him.

Minutes later my phone vibrated. One new instagram message. (Yeah, this plane got internet!) It was the photo of me and Tarry and it looked really cute. I liked it and when I was about to pack it back into my bag, it started to vibrate again.

Message from : Luke

You're beautiful as always


So sorry for the late update!
I'm just busy studying for tests and being in love. I mean living with heartache.

Hope you enjoyed the story!

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I love you all so much xxxx

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