Chapter 12

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I was dancing along with the music, surrounded by the girls and some boys. They were all equally hot, but I didn't want to have a thing with one of them. I have Luke again. He's changing me into the Aimeé I was before he left. But I'm not totally sure if that is what I want.
Walking out of the hall I made a pro and con list whether to change again or not. On the pro side was a better atmosphere with my dad again and it would clean my image again. But on the con side was the popularity. Having all boys falling for me is a really big thing, especially when they didn't seem to notice me before all of this happened.It also took a long time to get a wall built up around my heart, so I could play everyone.

But another pro thing was that I love Luke. I truly love him. He's not just a someone to me. He means everything to me. And if I say something like this I mean it! He may caused me pain, but he surely took care of me afterwards and showed me the better side of him. That's why I fell for him, I think.

It was freezing outside even though we are in Australia. I was about to turn around and walk in again, when a pair of two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I let out a gasp and didn't realize all of this, when suddenly I came face to face with Sean.

"Sean," I breathed out. I was totally taken aback by his presence.

"The one and only" he smirked and tightened his grip around my waist, pulling me near him, closing the last gap between our bodies. My head was resting on his shoulder and my arms hang around his neck. I hugged him tightly and smiled. I missed him, like really missed him. His familiar scent of his aftershave was around us and I took a deep breath.
A few seconds later I pulled out of the hug. I guess we looked really strange, standing there in freezing air, hugging. On cue the wind was blowing again and goose-bumps got visible all over my skin.

"You're freezing," Sean said and pulled out of his jacket. He hung it loosely around my shoulders and I was surrounded by his scent again.

"Hello there, Captain Obvious" I giggled and a smile tugged onto his lips.

"What are you doing here? How do you even know I'm here?"

"I was wondering if I could come around your place. But when I arrived I met your dad and he told me you weren't home but in Australia. So I came here with him as an surprise. So... Sup-rise!!" Sean shouted and threw his hands in the air, smiling a goofy smile. I missed his strange but funny personality.
Pulling him into a hug again I whispered a little 'Thank You' into his ear. I could feel him tense up and my eyes went wide. This wasn't the effect I was suspecting. I don't want him to act like that.
'Oh please, you once loved it, if a boy would stiffen under your touch' my subconsciousness told me. Can't it just shut up?

Someone coughed behind us and I knew this would cause a lot of trouble. Taking a step away from Sean I turned around and looked at a, now totally pissed and drunk Luke.

"Who is that?" he spit and grabbed my arm, jerking me beside him. It hurt but I didn't say a word. I don't know how he's acting when he's drunk, so I better keep my mouth shut.

"Hey mate, I'm Sean," Sean introduced himself. I gave him a pleading look to walk away but he didn't even took a glance towards me. He smiled at Luke. It was a smile... like he wanted to provoke him.

"Fuck off, Sean!" Luke yelled and took a step towards him. Luke was a bit shorter than Sean, but he looked a lot more strong than him. His muscles were flexed underneath his shirt. I never noticed him having such nice back muscles. Luke raised his hand as if he was about to punch him, but Sean dived down and slammed himself into Luke's stomach. A loud gasp escaped my mouth and a groan escaped Luke's.

"Stop it boys!" I tried to pull them away but it didn't cause any effect on them. Obviously, I'm not the strongest nor tallest one. Thankfully Ashton and Michael walked out of the hall just as Luke threw Sean onto the ground. He sat on his stomach and threw punches at Sean's face.

"What the hell?" Ashton shouted and he and Michael ran over to help me, get them off of each other. Ashton got a punch into his stomach from Sean but it didn't bother him. I grabbed Luke's arm and tried to pull him away. I was glad he obeyed and followed me.

"What? You're going with him even though he destroyed my face?" Sean yelled after me. I turned around. We three were actually pretty pissed.

"Yeah, you know why? He's my fucking boyfriend and I fucking care for him. You were the one who started the fight, so stop acting as if you're the lamb and he's the lion!"

Luke and I walked down an empty street. I don't know where we were, so I guess we were lost. Cool!
Suddenly Luke turned sharp left and jerked me towards him in a dark corner of a street. I felt me sweating. What was he going to do?

"Why was he here?"

"What?" I asked a little dumbfounded. I thought he was going to kiss me and rip all of my clothes down.

"Why. Was. Sean. Here?" he repeated, emphasizing every single word.

"He came with dad. He wanted to see me. Why does it matter?"

"You're not going to see him again." Luke said in a calm voice and started walking away. Who does he think he is?

"Who do you think you are?"

"As you said, your fucking boyfriend" he smiled at me. I wanted to run up to him, kiss him. I have wanted him to say those words for a long time. But now they seemed so wrong. I don't know why. I just don't want him to state this after or in a fight.
He has to get that he can't control me and my life. I'm just as stubborn as him.

"Really? Oh, I don't remember you asking me this before"

"Oh please Aimeé! You and I both know that we already are a couple, without all of this chick flick shit. We belong together! But to make little princess' dream come true, you wanna be my girlfriend?"

Luke was pissed. Luke was annoyed. Luke was drunk. That was all had to know to make a decision.

"Not like this." I rushed off, back towards the hall. I assume it was the right way. But why does it bother me? As long as I get far, far away from this drunken Luke, every place will please me.

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