Chapter 6

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Aimèe's POV

I watched Luke walking away. What has gotten into him? Why is he so fucking pissed?

I can tell you why. Because Joe kissed me. Like really kissed me. And I pretended to like the kiss. Yeah, not lady-like but well - payback is a Bitch, Hemmings. He hurt my feelings so I'll hurt his. Even though I have to say that it hurts, watching him walk away.

We just met again and the tension between us doesn't seem to fade. It's just getting stronger with every move we take.

Even though I enjoy the feeling of hurting someone (I mean, I did it for the last few months, I'm used to it), I can feel my walls crumble down. Because deep inside, I could crawl into a corner and cry my eyes out. I really want red and puffy eyes. I want to escape the world for a while, to just get okay with my own life first. I wish I could erase all my problems with Luke, my dad and my friends. And I wish someone could take away the bitch-image of me.

You see? I'm one person with two faces and a ripped soul.

But Hey, I have to pretend I'm fine. So, smile!

"Well, we have to go..." Calum said, looking awkwardly at me, Joe, me and back to Joe. He kissed me, so what? Has he never ever seen a boy kiss a girl? Ugh.

"Don't do things I won't do!" Ashton said with a cheeky smile. He also winked at us. Hell, I like this boy. He's always so cool about stupid things and doesn't think too much about it.

Michael waved and they all started walking away. Joy, time for myself!

Ha, I wish.

Walking into the hotel, Joe followed me like a dog lost his owner.

"Don't you have your own life?" I asked him. Annoyance filled my voice.

"Nope, not since we're sharing a room." What? I looked at him taken aback. Me and him? Sharing a room? This won't end well!

If you see Joe, you'll think he's the sweet college boy, who'll bring your books around and everything. But in real life, he's a jerk and an asshole. He often just uses girls for sex. They will fall for him, because I have to say he's quite sexy, but he's only going to sleep with the next.

So that's why I'm afraid of sharing a room with him.

I gave him an angry glance and turned towards the lift. He followed me. Yup, lost puppy. When the doors closed, he threw himself on me. I was now between the walls of the lift and him. He pressed the "Stop" button of the lift. His lips traveled to my neck and he gently sucked at it.

"Well, since we're alone now..." He muffled. I enjoyed feeling special. I knew, there wasn't something going on between me and Joe, so I firstly didn't try to push him away. But then guilt built up in my body. I felt guilty. It felt like cheating on Luke. Don't judge me, I'm still in love with this motherfucking hot guy. His face, his blue eyes, his cute nose showed up in front of my face. And that was it.

I put all my weight against Joe and pushed him away, pressed the button for the lift to go up again and gave him the most angry look I've ever given to someone. I didn't even give my dad this look when he didn't want to buy me a pony. I mean, yeah I was 7, but I still looked at him like if looks could kill. I miss the point that he just chuckled and told me how cute I am. But back to Joe. He still had this smug grin on his face. I wish I could beat it off. I formed my hands into fists. But before I could punch him the lift doors opened again.

We walked to our room. Thank god there was a queen-sized bed and a little bed for children. I know where I'm going to sleep. Since Joe threw his luggage onto the queen-sized bed, I threw mine onto the small one.

"Naaaw princess, why not share a bed?" he grinned at me.

"Why not punch you in the face to get this grin off?" I asked sweetly. Ugh how soon friendship can turn into hate. I don't even know why I couldn't share a room with Tarry! I guess Kelsey mixed up the rooms.

"I'm out!" I said and smiled a fake smile at him. And he smiled at me. Just that his one was a real smile. Like what? How could he even think of me meaning the smile honest? Boys...

I walked out of the hotel and straight across the street. There were only a few streetlamps but I didn't care. Walking down a road I heard a voice somewhere away. I walked and walked and the voice got closer. I turned right into the big, green but dark park. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my eye. I walked through a little forest and soon reached the voice. Hiding behind a bush I looked the boy up and down.

Blonde hair. Nirvana shirt. Nice body. Angelic voice. Yep, totally Luke.

And just seconds after he ended, me, the idiot I am, fell over right in front of him.

Embarrassing, but his face was priceless.


> Hey guys !

I know this chapter sucks, but I'm tired so yeah haha cliffhanger!

I reall wanted to say that you're all beautiful and I'm so happy about all these nice comments on my story. Keep telling me your opinion, I'll accept each and every single one and try to do better in the next chapter!

I love you lots! xxxx

Here We Go Again (sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz