Chapter 9

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Luke’s POV

I was really glad that I brought Aimeé with us. It wasn’t the fact that she threw herself all on me and kissed me in front of a massive crowd. Naaaaw! What do you think of me?

Ok it may is a huge part of why I liked her being there. It wasn’t even my idea to bring her.

The boys and I were sitting in front of the TV playing video games as usual. We played COD so we were totally caught up in the game. But soon Calum spoke up.

“How’s everything going between you and Aimeé?” he asked. I looked over to him. The stupid boy didn’t even waste a glance on me. His eyes were glued to the TV.

“Fine I guess.” I said and just as I was about to turn to the game again, Calum jumped up and down, screaming “Survivor” out of the top of his lungs. That fucking stupid boy. We were the only ones alive and he just wanted to distract me to win. That smells like payback. And it’s well-known as a bitch.

“See mate, she seemed fine around you. Aimeé didn’t push your arm away, she didn’t even insult you or wanted to rip your head off. I think it’s a good sign. I guess after you told her about how you feel you broke her hard shell to meet her soft spot. I bet you still mean the world to her, lover boy” Ashton said and bumped my shoulder with his fist. I chuckled. This boy knows how to make someone smile. No wonder why girls are drooling about him. And he was right. Aimeé was anything but mean to me the past couple of days. I just hope it isn’t just a mood. You know, girls tend to be nice the one day and then they only want to throw weapons at you and throw you off a mountain the other day. I’m a bit skeptical about her mood I have to say.

“Lukeeeeeeeey could Aimeé please come to our show today?” Michael asked pouting. I smiled at him, he was just hilarious.

“I don’t know Michael, it would be the same as our first show in London. We share so many memories, I don’t know if she can bear the upcoming memories.” I told him. I was really afraid that all the memories would come flashing back to Aimeé and she would hate me again. That’s not what I’m fighting for. I’m fighting for her being mine again. And this time I will have the guts to ask her out and won’t leave like I did before. I broke her heart once, I don’t want to do it again.

Watching Michael turning his head with a sad look in his face I added: “ But I can ask her if you want”. His face immediately lit up and he shoot me a bright smile.

That’s how I ended up in front of her door. I knocked and when I heard footsteps I expected her to stand in the doorframe. Instead it was Joe.

“What do you want?” he spat at me.

“None of your business, I guess Joe.” I replied to him and pushed him out the way to get in. “Where is Aimeé” I asked.

“She went off earlier and I have to leave just every minute. So hurry up with whatever  you want to do, asshole.” I turned around and grabbed the hem of his shirt. Pressing him up against the wall my eyes widened in shock of my own power.

“Never call me that again, idiot. Just because you and Aimeé share a room doesn’t mean you’re a couple or that you can judge me. Now fuck off,  I know how to open and close a door by myself.” Joe didn’t say anything, he grabbed his things and rushed out of the door. Not so brave that little pig.

I reached for the little note I’ve written earlier in the flat. I placed it on her bed and soon was out the door.

That’s how we ended up on stage, kissing, after my little speech. I smiled. It felt right touching her lips again and not having an awkward tension around us. I totally zoned out and deepened the kiss. When we broke apart we both breathed heavily and our foreheads touched. I look deep into her green eyes.

“I love you Aimeé” I whispered and she smiled. She actually smiled! And didn’t run away like the last time I told her I loved her and kissed her. She got onto her tiptoes and pressed a gentle kiss against my lips. I guess this means I love you too in her way of saying it. I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her in for a hug.

The crowd began to cheer. Well I guess she did it the whole time, but I was just focused on Aimeé. Watching her walk away off from stage made me wanting to run after her and kiss her over and over again. I wanted to tell her how beautiful and perfect she was, how much her cute, little smile would light up my mood and how much I wanted to play with her perfect brown hair. But I couldn’t, because Ashton announced the new song we were going to play. We wrote it together. Everyone addressed that song to someone who means much to them. For me it was Aimeé.

I started to play the guitar and the crowd began to scream.

For a while we pretended
That we never had to end it
But we knew we had to say goodbye
You were crying at the airport
When they finally closed the plane door
I could barley hold it all inside
Torn in two

And I know I shouldn’t tell you
But I just can’t stop thinking of you
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you

Wherever you are I can fly a thousand oceans
But theres nothing that compares to
What we had and so I’ll walk alone
I wish I didn’t have to be gone
Maybe you’ve already moved on
But the truth is I don’t want to know
Torn in two

And I know I should’nt tell you
But I just can’t stop thinking of you
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are

You can say we’ll be together someday
Nothing lasts forever
Nothing stays the same
So why can’t I stop feeling this way
Torn in two

And I know I shouldn’t tell you
But I just can’t stop thinking of you
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are


Hey guys!
What do you think about Aimeé and Luke maybe getting back together? Will they finally handle it? Or does Aimeé not trust him enough anymore?

That's for the next chapter lol.

Anyway please keep voting, sharing & commenting xxx

love you lots xxx

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