Chapter 19

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The sunlight tingled my skin. The birds were singing, the waves were crashing. Somewhere afield I heard the sound of music. I got up and walked down the bay. There were so many people, celebrating. I guess it's noon. I mean, who the fuck would celebrate a party in the early morning?
Looking down, I noticed I was still dressed in my clothes from yesterday. Joy. My hair must look like a birds nest, too. And I bet my make-up is all over my face. Double joy.
The people around me were smiling, laughing, singing. Warmth spread inside of me. I haven't been to such a great party in so long. Well, to be exactly, since I've come to Australia.

I noticed a boy with blond hair a few metres away from me. Luke. It has to be him! But, am I ready to face him again?

Just before I was about to go up to him, a skimpy dressed girl came up to him. She wrapped her arms around his torso. Jealousy bubbled up inside me. Why is she holding my Luke like that, that little shit?
I convinced myself to watch a little longer. I shouldn't have.

The girl stood up on her tip toes and pressed her lips against Luke pink ones. I realized it was Tarry.

And not just that she was kissing him, no she already had a pregnant belly.

"Nooooooo!" I screamed and ran up to them. Then, I fell.

I woke up in the middle of the night, panting. Just a nightmare. It was all just a freakin' nightmare. Nothing of it was real. Tarry is not pregnant. Luke and her aren't a couple.

It was still extremely dark outside. The waves were crashing and there were some seagulls flying around.
I stretched my sleeping body and eventually got up. Pulling my phone out I noticed that it had turned itself off. Joy.
I stumbled down the little path that led to the street again. I was still sleepy. It felt like I was sleepwalking. The scenes of the nightmare played in front of my eyes. It was like my mind was playing tricks on me.

Everywhere I heard the sound of Luke's or Tarry's laugh. I heard kissing noises. I even heard them talking about the name for the baby.

"Should it be Helen or Olaf?"

No please no, that poor child. Ok. My mind is really, really, reeeeeally playing tricks on me. Am I going insane?

Sooner than I would've thought I stood in front of Luke's house. I didn't know why I stopped here. Maybe I wanted to confront myself with all the hurt and pain.

Ready to move on, the door opened, revealing a tired looking Luke. Pain shot through me, again and again. I could hear my heart break over and over.

Luke's voice sounded thick, like he had been crying. Luke? Crying? Yeeeah as if.

I thought, that maybe, if I didn't move, he wouldn't notice me. Like in those films with lions and antelopes. Every time, a lions sneaks up to a flock of antelopes, you think "little antelope, if you're not moving, you may have a chance and keep on living". But of course, the stupid antelope has to run and gets eaten by the lion.
Same with me. I had to sneeze. Like sneeze really hard. I could even compete with the wolf in The three little ones, blowing away their houses. Seriously, he'd be jobless!

"Aimeé come in, you're gonna catch a cold!"

I chuckled. "Oh thanks, Captain Obvious. I didn't notice when I sneezed like I wanted to wake up the whole neighborhood."

I heard Luke chuckle, too.
He walked up to me, embracing me in a hug. Even though I loved his hugs, it was still uncomfortable. But soooo warm!

"Let's get you inside to limber up."

5 minutes later I was seated in his room, wrapped in 4 fucking blankets, with a hot, steaming mug of tea in my hands, warm socks on and a too big Onesie from Luke.
If you wouldn't have known better, you could call us a holy moly cute couple. But, reality has to ruin everything.

"Aimeé, I'm sorry. I can't remember -" long pause, "hooking up with her. You've been the only one on my mind for so long. I don't know how this could have happened. I'm just really sorry." Luke spoke quietly.

"Luke, I hope you know that your apology isn't going to solve anything." My heart dropped into my stomach. I didn't want to say the things I was going to say next.
"We're messed up. This whole relationship-shit is messed up. And we both have made mistakes. But Luke, I don't think we could work things out. I'm leaving, Luke. Today-" I looked at his clock. Yep, today. "- I'm going back to England. Thousands of miles are going to be between us. And to be honest, I've never been a fan of long-distance relationships." I didn't realize I was crying. Tears were streaming down my face and silent sobs shook my body.

"But -"

"No Luke. I wish we could make this last. But we can't. Go ahead, Luke, rip my heart out. You know, that's what love's all about. It's about hurting someone, who is ready to forgive so easily. And you know why? Because that one sees the world in you. And Luke, to me you're my world. And I know, that you love me. But - you just have to clear your mind. Over Tarry, over me, over the boys."

With that said, I looked him deep in the eye.

"I love you, Aimeé." - "I know, Luke." 

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