Chapter 13

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Turns out I found the right way. Not back to the hall but to the hotel.

I was exhausted as hell. All this trouble and Luke, it was just too much for me. And there is one question that's consuming my mind:
"Where had Luke been the whole time before Sean appeared?"

I'm going to find it out, sooner or later.

After I catched a lot of sleep.


I woke up, feeling the sun on my skin. I smiled and stretched, trying to forget yesterday's events. I don't want something ruin my mood for today. I'm spending a day with my dad and Jaquie. I'm quite looking forward to it. It will make me forget about boys, parties and heartache. Hopefully.

I went straight for the bathroom, taking a long, hot shower. The water ran down my ripped skin. I looked at my scars. They started to hurt when the water ran about them. But I'm used to the pain. Running my fingers over them I turned the shower off and grabbed the towel. I wrapped it around myself and walked out of the room, being greeted by a smirking Joe, who was just wearing his boxers.

I looked him up and down, trying to feel something towards him, a little affection like before. Before I met Luke again. But there was nothing. Not one little thought about how good he looks or how great his abs look.

I gave him a little smile and tried walking towards my bed. Mission failed.
Joe grabbed my arm and slammed me against the wall, kissing my neck roughly. He sucked on my sweet spot right behind my ear and pushed me up, trying to pull my legs around his torso. But I refused.

"Don't wanna have some fun baby?" Joe asked and smirked. The smell of alcohol hit me and I realized he was still drunk.

"Joe, you're still drunk?" It came out more like a question than a statement.
He shook his head, trying to attack me with kisses again.

"Stop it Joe." He didn't stop. So I did the only thing I thought was right. I kneed him in the balls. He let out a groan in pain and gave my body free. I ran to my room and locked it. I turned to my bed and grabbed the clothes I put out yesterday for today.

I am wearing my 78 Top, which shows my stomach, my shorts and damn high heels.

As soon as I saw my dad I started running towards him. One good thing if you walk your whole time on heels - you are able to run in those. Hugging him tight I whispered him a "I love you" in his ear and smiled. He smiled, too, when I turned to Jaquie and gave her a tight hug.

Her peach blonde hair was pulled in a ponytail and she was wearing a blue, strapless dress. She was totally beautiful and I guess people would kill for her looks.

"Let's go to the mall!" I shouted, fist-pumping the air. Jaquie and dad started laughing about my mood. I've never been as happy as I am now the past few months. Not even as I kissed Luke again. Luke. I don't want to think about him. At least not now.

But, speaking of the devil, my phone started to play "Stolen Dance" by Milky Chance. I didn't have to look for the Caller ID. This song was extra for Luke. I ignored his call and turned my phone off.

Dad gave me the "We're-going-to-talk-later-about-this" and I slightly smiled at him.


Kind of filler chapter, I'm sorry ):

I promise the next ones are going to be better!

I have an exam on tuesday :( I hate exams haha. Who doesn't?
Okay, so you know, please vote, comment and share the story (:

Ily xx

Oh, and this is her outfit (:

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