Chapter 11

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I woke up to an annoying sound right next to me. Oh yeah, I set an alarm yesterday. But what for?  I tried to roll over and open my eyes, but I couldn’t move, because there was a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. Luke’s arms. I smiled as yesterday came into my mind. Us lying in the backyard, watching the stars and kissing. And don’t forget the last words Luke said to me. They were the reason why I couldn’t go to sleep soon yesterday, because my face was covered in a wide and wicked grin I couldn’t wipe off.

But I really had to know what I set an alarm for. I pushed the thoughts beside and tried to wiggle out of his grip.

“Yeees!” I quietly said when I got out of his arms. But it was followed by a loud noise, sounding like something had fallen to the ground.

“Ouch!” Luke said in a sexy raspy morning voice. As much as I wanted to help him up, the view was priceless. He was lying on the floor, his hair sticking up in all directions. He was wrapped in a blanket but you could sense that he had no shirt on. His eyes were half closed and he rubbed his forehead, just like he had hit it on something. I cracked up laughing and shaking.

“Haha yeah funny. Now help me up babe!” Luke said. It only caused me to laugh even harder. Even when I fell out of bed I kept on laughing. But Luke was now laughing, too. We nearly spent 5 minutes lying on the floor, laughing like little kids on crack. Our eyes met and I once again was hypnotized my his bright, blue ones. He came crawling forward and put his hands on my waist, trying to pull me into a kiss. It would have happened, if my alarm would have been quiet for a little longer. I got up with a small smile and stalked towards the table. I looked at my mobile and it read competition 8:30o’. It was now 8:00.

“Shit” I cursed and hurried through the room, searching for my clothes. I somehow must have changed last night. I thought back to yesterday and it hit me. Luke must have changed me.
I know what you’re thinking right now: “She walking around in his room just in bra and panties?”. Well, I’m used to it by now. Luke isn’t the only one who has seen me like that. Call me bitch or something, I totally agree with you. I’m not a big fan of my life-style, too. But what happened, happened. You can’t change the past, so you have to stick up for it and have to make the future better.
I grabbed all my clothes and followed Luke outside his room. He has been looking at my phone while I was searching for my clothes, so he knows why I’m running around like a chicken.I quickly got into the bathroom, put my dress for ice-skating on and brushed my hair. I’m surprised Luke didn’t talk to me about my scars… It must have been too dark or he was too sleepy to notice. Thank god.

20 minutes later we made our way to the skating hall. Luke’s parents were out to work as we got into the kitchen, but he promised me I will meet them today after the competition. This reminds me of how much I miss my dad and his girlfriend. I hadn’t talk to them in a few days and I really feel guilty. At least I should have called my dad as we arrived in Australia. There you see what a bad excuse of a daughter I am.

“I will see you in there” Luke said and gave me a quick kiss. I smiled and made my way to the changing rooms. I greeted the girls and gave all of them a quick hug. I also knew a few of my opponents. I gave them a quick smile and pulled out my skates and put them on.

“Alright ladies. I wish all of you the best and you know it’s not that big of a deal if you fail. You know I’m still proud of you and you won’t ever lose a bit of my respect.” Our coach said. As she spoke the last part she locked her eyes with mine. I looked onto the floor, knowing what she was talking about.

We heard the crowd in there erupting in cheers as the commentator began to speak. It was our sign to go onto the ice and smile when our name was said. I gave the audience my best and brightest smile. After that, we had to step out and wait for our names to be called again to do our performance.

I was sitting on a bench nervously when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I stiffened and turned around in a swift movement. My eyes met hazel ones.

“Dad!” I said-shouted in surprise. He kept smiling at me and pulled me in a huge hug. It felt good. It must have been 2 months ago I last hugged him like this.

“Aimeé Baker” the commentator spoke and I pulled out of our little father-daughter-moment.

“Good luck honey, I know you’ll make it!” Dad smiled and gave me a quick kiss. I got onto the ice and took my starting position. The song started to play. I did my performance to “I’m only me when I’m with you” by Taylor Swift. I guess everyone is smart enough to count one and one together. I dedicate this song clearly to Luke. The lyrics express my emotions best. All the great memories came flashing back and it wasn’t hard to smile at the audience anymore. I did my performance great, without any mistakes and with a huge grin spread across my face. Bowing I searched for Luke in the audience. As I spotted him he was clapping like a mad man and so were Calum, Michael and Ashton. I can’t believe he brought them with him. My grin grew wider and wider and I guess I looked really strange. But who cares?

A few hours later we were in a small hall, raising our glasses. It was a great day. I won the competition, talked to my father about everything and met Luke’s parents. They were really nice just as Luke is. It seemed like his family has known me for a long time, because when I met them they embraced me in a hug and told me all the things Luke has told them. It kind of bothered me, that they knew so much about me. But now, after 2 glasses of vodka-coke I didn’t care anymore. The music was blasting and sometimes people came up to congratulate us.

I made my way to Calum. I hadn’t seen Luke for a while and I wanted to get a kiss from him.

“Hey Cal! Have you seen Luke?” I shouted into his ear. The music made us unable to speak normal.

“Nope, but did you see Tarry?” I shook my head with an excusing smile.

I didn’t want to think about what could possibly happen to Luke. I guess he’ll be safe. The hall was right in the center of the city, so I don’t think here is a lot of crime. Grabbing a new drink I made my way towards the dance floor, dancing until I’m going to pass out.


Heey guys!

So here's another update :)
Any ideas in where could Luke be? xx

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love you lots xxx

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