Jedi Training

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Hey guys, so this is the first of the seven updates in a row I will be putting up, I hope you all enjoy! -Vamp Lover

Your POV

If I had warm, dry clothes on, I may have taken the whole force sensitive news better. I sat in a small little hut next to Luke, and much to my surprise, across from a Jedi master named Yoda. The two requested an audience with me alone, so I wasn't quite sure where Leia, Han, and Chewy had gone off to. Quite honestly I wasn't that worried about them, I had enough on my mind.

"What do you mean, I'm force sensitive? Just because I heard your voices in my head doesn't mean I'm some youngling Jedi," I said.

"Know the ways of the force, you do not," Yoda said. "Much to learn, you have."

"(Y/n) I know it sounds crazy, but just listen to him," Luke said.

I could see the scencirity in his expression, and it made me feel better. We were all relatively close together, but I still felt uneasy around Yoda. I couldn't help but feel like he could read my thoughts, like somehow he could see straight through me.

I looked at Luke, "I'm listening, but Luke you're the Jedi here. I'm not meant to be like you."

"Wrong you are. In your blood, it is," Yoda said.

I glanced down at the little green master nervously, in my blood?

"My parents were senators. How can it be in my blood? Jedi have been gone for decades," I said.

"They weren't your parents by blood (y/n). One of your real parents must have been a Jedi," Luke said.

"Is that true?" I asked Yoda.

"Not have, your father is still. Lost to the dark side, he was. Train to defeat him, you must."

I put my head in my hands, I was by far overwhelmed.

"Who is he? And why should I care what he does? He obviously didn't care about me enough stick around," I said.

Luke put a hand on my shoulder, "My father was a Jedi as well, we have the same problem."

I looked up at him with wide eyes, then looked to Yoda as though he could answer my questions.

Yoda nodded his head slowly, "Siblings you are."

"Wh-what?" I stuttered, looking back at Luke in disbelief.

"(Y/n), I need your help. I can't face our father alone, I can't kill him. It's something only we can do. Our father needs our help, he has to be saved," Luke said, his eyes were pleading.

"Luke, we don't even know who, or where he is. How are we supposed to save him?" I asked.

"Use the force, you will. Train now, you must," Yoda said.

I glanced between Luke and Yoda. I wasn't going to help a father who didn't care. I was going to help my brother with something he needed.

"Alright, but only because you two seem to have faith in me, and because I value our friendship Luke. Regardless if we're related or not," I said.

Luke's smile was so wide, he looked like he was about to burst, and Yoda nodded his head in approval. Luke pulled me into a hug, then I realized a problem. I looked at Yoda.

"I don't have a lightsaber," I said.

Yoda simply smiled, then pulled a deadly weapon out of his robes. His arm outstretched towards mine, handing me the saber. My fingers wrapped around the weapon cautiously, it felt cold in my grip. More importantly, it felt right.

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