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Baby Doll, the golden blonde of london town; endeavours a golden age life. She has had her name since childhood, physically, she had a body that was moulded like a figurine but inwardly, her mind was stubborn like Lolita, her physical attractivness seemed to have caused an inner complexity, making her feel as though she was unloved, her innocent sexiness was born in her teen years, and since then she has emulated an inner feline frivolity.
As an only child, Baby Doll held bitter feelings. Not allowed to play, her strict upbringing did her no good, she found herself instead playing around with boys to then blossoming into a beautiful nymphet. Her mother, a once performer and professional Broadway director, hadn't bonded with her daughter which explained how en lieu of love Baby Doll pursued lust. And as for her father, he had left them at an early age; running off with his mistress. A memory that she prefers to keep unremembered and blurred in her mind. Her mother had not forgiven nor forgotten these events, and burdened these feelings of rejection and sorrow. A burden that destroyed Baby Doll's need for a mother but despite all of this childhood sadness, Baby Doll had dreams of becoming a beautiful dancer. Ever since her girlhood, she knew that she would turn herself into something beautiful, dance was only a girlhood passion, but sexuality was a natural gift. Whatever it was that she would pursue, she knew internally that she would forever be glamorous. She wanted to make it in show business and looked to her mother, the broadway star, for help, until almost instantaneously, her dreams were dashed and divided, breaking into a million pieces. She was not worthy of her mother's high profile shows or stature her dancing was  deemed provocative and overly sexy. And in some way or another her aspirations of dance were rejected, which lead her to feel a sense of unbelonging, that numbed over time. Until her mother recognized Baby's beauty queen potential, enrolling her in endless pageants, but upon serendipity, she had met Anthony Magnatta; a brilliant business man. He had opened her eyes to a new world of glitz, glamour and fame.

However, this prologue to glamour does not even come close to her surreptious love for the secretly sentimental, Ash Stymest.

♚ |  SEX, YEAH! | ♚ (Chronicles of the Notorious BabyDoll)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu