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"If you live off a man's compliments, you'll die from his criticism."

- Cornelius Lindsey


Ash kept his word and phoned that very night. From Nathan's distinct howls, to Ash's drawled voice, I could tell the party was over. Ash said that he already set me to babysit Hux with him every night. And he had closed the call by inviting me to a Halloween party at his and Nathan's flat.


It was the night before Halloween, and I was delighted, half being that any celebratory junction thrilled me and the other being that extravangance was always a lovely thing.

I dallied around my flat all day.
I cooked, cleaned and crashed. To my delight the doorbell had rang. I ditzied over, opening the door, only to find the baddest boys I knew, Ash and Nathan.

"Greetings to Devil's Night!" Nathan announced striding in.

I gleamed at Nathan and my smile quickly flushed upon making eyes with Ash, who calculated me confidently.

"Hi, Nathan," I kissed him on both cheeks.

"Hey Doll, do you got a drinky winky for me?" He toyed.

Laughing, I pointed to the kitchen.

Ash who was smiling, embraced me. "You know, irreponsible is his middle name," He joked.

Smiling, I gazed at him warmly.

"You alright?" He asked him.

"I'm very well, and you?"

"Just hunky-dory, Baby Doll," He draped an arm over my shoulder.

He lead us to the kitchen, where Nathan mixed a drink.

"Did Huxley have a nice time?" I inquisited, now settled in the kitchen.

"He fell in love with you, Baby."

"He's not the only one!" Nathan cried, before taking a swig of his drink.

If Ash were to have understood, he made a great deal of not showing it. Moving to the living area, Nathan occupied the loveseat, while I claimed the sofa, with Ash who laid his head on my lap.

"So, what is there to expect from this party as you budding hosts?"

Ash lifted his head up to me, smiling,"Expect the lot."

"That and fountains of drinks and a sea of dancing dolls," Nathan added.

"Dolls?" I striked curiously.

"None like you," Ash winked.

I cupped his cheek and kissed the air.

"I'm excited, I know you two are great at celebrating. "

Soon, I found myself mindlessly mussing Ash's dark hair.

"You know it, Doll!" Nathan hollered from the loveseat.

"Do you plan on bringing along a date?" Nathan inquired.

Ash interupted before I could answer,"Actually, the invite is meant for one person."

I smiled, sensing his annoyance.

"Oh, that's quite too bad." I looked down at him.

"Are you going to bring anyone, Nathan?"

"Nah, I'm a lone wolf." He proudly convicted. "But, I think Ash has someone in mind." He wagged his eyebrows.

"Oh wow, do you?" I looked down at him, dazzled.

Ash grinned.
"I thought you and I we're going, Baby? I'm taking you."

"That's lovely, Ash."

I was sincerely delighted, but if I even glanced at Nathan, I could see the embarassing smile he wore.

"Now, isn't that just beautiful. Ash you've finally done something intelligent, mate."

"Aw, thanks Nathan."

Nathan placed his glass on the table, and then clapped his hands together.

"Alright, it's damn past your curfew, kid!"

Ash slowly, rolled himself up and off of me.

"Apologies, Baby Doll, looks like our time is up."

"It was nice knowing you," I teased.

He let out a great laugh.
Nathan made his way over, giving me a kiss on my cheek and waving goodbye.Jingling his keys to Ash, he howled at him to hurry, as he strided out the front door.
Ash stepped closer to me. His arm over my shoulder.

"Baby or Doll?"

Ash mused.

"You said you liked both the first time I asked, has your choice changed?"

"I quite like Baby," I smiled,"It's grown on me." I bit my lip, coquettishly.

"Really?" Ash considered, pointing a finger to his chin.

"Then it stays." He confirmed.

My eyebrows furrowed.
His lips were pointed to mine, but his movement was too causal, this was to be an off-centered kiss. Ash leaned in and kissed me considerably close to the corner of my mouth.

"Bye Baby." He repeated, wearing a charming smile.

"Bye Ash," I managed, growing hot.

Now, the heat could be because of the weather. It could be the drink I had that hadn't settled. And it could be that it was Devil's Nights. All these things could be true and all these could be wrong.


♚ |  SEX, YEAH! | ♚ (Chronicles of the Notorious BabyDoll)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt