♚ | DÉJA VÉCU | ♚

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"Darling, the legs aren't so beautiful, I just know what to do with them."

- Marlene Dietrich


As November swam by, I counted the days until my birthday. Oh, remember, remember the twelfth of November. I memorized the turn of events. My mother would call, and arrange a luncheon. At least, that's the ordinary. I tried to recall if I had told Ash the date of my birthday. If it had spilled in last night's conversation. Surely, it had, sometimes I would talk senselessly about myself. It was a sickness, really; this vanity.

I knew Ash's birthday falled on February. And I'd wondered if he joyed celebrations. Did he like them or loathe them? Were they pleasant or a pity?

With the radio on, I sang an old crooner and danced around the flat in an off the shoulder sheer dress. With an air of carelessness. This dog day would soon transform to night. And I would return to the Gentlemen's Club, where I belonged and where I was born again every night.


Tonight, it appeared as though the lines of people had grown. The riffraff of fifty had turned into ninety. It was marvelous, really. The marquis gleamed in all its brillance, and the people waited for the show. And I would give them a show, Yessiree!

With my careless walk, my arrival was washed by flashes of camera bulbs. The rustle of paper and pens and the shouts and screams aloud of folk.

I felt embraced by their presence and gestures. Hurriedly, I smiled for the people, spoke to the crowd, the cameramen. I blew kisses and gave kisses. Many kisses.

Once the crowd was content, Barrie had escorted me past and through the red ropes inside. Away from the clamor, I greeted Barrie, who lifted my hand for a kind kiss.

"Evenin' Miss Baby Doll," Barrie nodded, "Sorry about the push and shove, I had to assure you're safety," He affirmed, duitfully.

"Oh, It's quite all right Barrie, and I don't mind."

"Well, word is that you're the talk of the town, everyone's been wanting to see the Notorious Baby Doll."

"Oh wow, really?"

I whispered.

Who would've thought my dancing and singing could provoke pools of people?

"It's mad! Soon they'll be hundreds, no! Thousands! You wait and see!"

"Now wouldn't that be beautiful! I hope you're predicition comes
true. Well, Bye Barrie, have a lovely evening, darling."
He waved happily, before closing the door of the club and stood behind the velvet rope.

As I made my way to the dressing room, Tony had appeared, in his finest suit with his ever famous aristocratic ring and victorian cane.
"Just the girl I wanted to see!"

"Hello, Mr. Magnotta." I grinned, he moved closer to greet me with a kiss on both cheeks.

"How's my finest dancer?"

"Very well and you sir?"

"Just charming, you know your dancing has done marvelous things for this club. Business is booming and it's all thanks to you!"

"Your words are too kind, but you're a great businessman, you are well off and were."

"Well, I suppose so, but the fact of the matter is that you're a star, Doll and it's not just me who sees it anymore! Did you see all those people out there? Begging to get in and get a look at you."

"I guess they were right when they said show business is the best business," I smiled sweetly.

"That, they were! Now hurry along glamour girl, the stage and lights await you!"

An achingly heavy anticipation swept over me as I stood behind the red drapes of the stage. Unaffected by the hustle that moved past me, I wondered and waited to see if he had shown. I tried to pick his face out of the crowd. And above all, to see his wicked smile, that I grew so familar to.
In my heure of reverie, I had felt a flame burn inside me. The one that would flicker and flare in thought of him. This anticipation of mine was
shortly savoured.
The drapes smoothly lifted and I dismissed my romantic musings. It was showtime which only meant it was Baby Doll's hour.
For her.
A spotlight silenced the roar behind the drapes of whistles, shouts and calls. But among it all, and through my severity, a sense of sweet deliciousness overcame my body.
And as promised, Ash was present.
Front and center, he sat in the cabaret. Kept company only by a glass of alcohol. Upon making eyes at me, his posture changed. He heaved closer and leaned in. His head was thrown back, but his eyes were deep within the scene. There would be no grandeur, no extravagance, no spectacle to see. Only a defeaning grace. A nature so profound that would pour out of me. I would dance. A charming yet moving dance. One that came from the hips and spoke from the eyes. I would sing. A sweet ballad. One that could beckon all angels and silence all evil. And if I were to succeed, this performance would be one of grace and nature.

Heatstruck and spent, I fanned myself and decidely unbuttoned the top of my blouse. Hardly scandulous. Pouting, I smoothened my skirt and ruffled my hair. I stirred in my seat, to the sound of knocking. Unseeingly, I knew who it was.
But, It was a shame, I wanted to find him.


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