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"I don't want to repeat my innocence. I want the pleasure of losing it again."

- F. Scott Fitzgerald


"And this is how it starts..."

Ash sang.

Who would've thought that Ash had a secret weapon? He and his band of boys were playing what Nathan said was a one time, one song concert. And the song choice was too fitting for tonight. The lights flickered, the music pulled through. And they played and he sang on. My, could he ever sing beautifully! And before I knew it, after highs and lows, a loud, flaring crescendo hit hard.

After a moment of recollection, I was jolted by the crowd's boom. Ash looked so cool. It was a wonderful sight. He clapped hands and bumped fists his mates in congratulation. The performance was abuzz. And the burn that I longed for sank in and exploded wildly.

"That was wild!" Nathan cried, his arms in the air.

Nathan hung in arm around my shoulders. It was as if I was a still life.

"Oh, come on BabyDoll, you can tell me if you hated it. I won't spread the word to Ash, eventhough it'd make him seriously crushed."

And just then, Ash arrived, sweaty and hot in the face, but breathed cooly.

"Beautiful." I spoke longingly.

"You stole my line, Baby!" Ash playfully complained.

I laughed, as did Nathan.

"Turns out I don't have to make up some spectacular lie! Thanks, Doll!" Nathan nudged me, happily.

And Ash and in all his invincibility, planted one on me. This kiss was on fire. And when I pulled away, our lips parted but the flame inside never went out. I had found that between our madness, Nathan had darted, leaving me alone with Ash's lazy smile.

"Am I boring you?" Ash voiced.

I had drifted off, hadn't I?

My fingers found his hand and I shook my head. He ran his hand through his dark brown mane.

"Jesus, you're being too quiet!" He laughed unnervingly.

"Oh, Ash," I cried, comfortably splaying my hand on his chest.

"You do all of this; you prepare, you entertain and you perform, all for me?I must have you!" I proclaimed, kissing the corner of his mouth.

Ash held me closer. And began to kiss me all over my face again.

"Oi, you two still necking?"

Ash laughed, and pulled me next to him. Then, I knew that the burn that lurked in the deepest parts of me, that darkened my libido and excited my heart would race with the fastest speed. I needed him if I wanted to burn. And would only do wonders to my sexual nature.

"In your rude act, you've neglected the crowd!" Nathan barelled.

"To hell with the crowd!" Ash blared back.

When the clock struck midnight, the riff raff set off, making the pub bare. Nathan and I talked, while Ash carried a convincing conversation with Barrie.

"Ash was hot tonight, wasnt he?" Nathan razzed, taking a drink.

I laughed loudly,"Marvelously hot!"

"Oh, come on Doll, don't play coy." Nathan settled.

"Coy? Me?" I played, with a hand on my chest and my mouth ajar, "I'm afraid you've got the wrong girl."

♚ |  SEX, YEAH! | ♚ (Chronicles of the Notorious BabyDoll)Where stories live. Discover now