♚ | SEX | ♚

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"Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature."

- Marilyn Monroe


It was a marvelous surprise to be at Bo's pub. Why, everyone we knew came! It was our first stop of the many surprises.

"The birthday girl! Oh, the birthday girl! Come on, more applause, more cheer!" Ash announced.

"Fellas!" Bo greeted, slapping hands and pressing his forehead against the boys.

"Happy Birthday Baby Doll," He turned to me, smiling, and picked up my hand for a kiss.

I embraced him,"Thank you so much, Bo." I closened, kissing him on his cheeks. "I'm so glad to celebrate here."

Ash held his hands up, intending to intervene.

"Alright, alright, enough of this hoo-ha, let the party commence!" Ash roared.

Divine dancing and drinks. Bo's Pub, soon became Bo's Club. It was all fit for the soirée and the tables had been pushed to the back in an effort to create more room, creating a dancefloor of sorts. I was so happy, very happy to be surrounded by so many. I adored big parties, they were so intimate. With a glass of Dom Perignon, I comfortably lounged, and spoke to newly met people and lost myself in the cool ambiance.

At once the music stopped and mood changed. It was soon found that the interruption of music was intentional. And in its absense, a band of three had occupied the dance hall. Some sporting guitars, and then the strangest of all, a drum set had appeared or had it been there all along? Were my eyes decieving me? Or was the alcohol toying with me? And to think my birthday could get any greater, Ash appeared, clutching a black electric guitar. My expression became one of pure imagination.

Oh, boy, here comes the real show! Was he going to twist and shout like he did at the cabaret?

Nathan appeared and pulled me up,"Oh god, Baby Doll, are you ever in for a treat!" Nathan exclaimed. He led me closer by my hand.

"Nathan! What on earth is going on?" I asked excitedly, holding his arm.

"You'll see, you'll see!"

Without another word, we were among the group that had crowded the band. And with that, I felt prepared for the unexpected. Ash's eyes set on mine. A wink flew by and then he vanished into someone else. Making me think we were one of the same. Different on stage. Born to be bold.


♚ |  SEX, YEAH! | ♚ (Chronicles of the Notorious BabyDoll)Where stories live. Discover now