♚ | BABY DOLL | ♚

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"Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power."

- Oscar Wilde


Everything in the room screamed glamour.

On the sidelines, women and young girls tussled about, hunting for hairbrushes, make-up, sprays, all to perfect their last minute touch-ups. With my beauty queen hair, cat-like eyes and cherry red lips, I was born on the stage. I was a regular contender at The Miss Exotic Beauty Queen Pageant. With a great deal of medals and trophies, I was a consistent winner. The glamour was what had attracted me most to the beauty queen scene. Given as I was unable to make pictures or perform as a showgirl on Broadway, I chose the beauty business.

"Baby Doll!"

Luckily, I had received praised reviews from all three judges. And once I had returned to the dressing room of fellow contestants, I planned to retire home.

"I want a word with you , Miss! That act out there was not your best!"

My manager didn't like me very much. He was assigned to me by the head of the pageantry faculty, and with my tardies, foolishness and spontaneity, he dubbed me as severely unprofessional.

In the simplest terms; I was a hassle.

"And you're late!" He rebuffed.

"Oh, I could have sworn, it was only - "

"You've made a habit of this, haven't you?"

He threw his hands up, exhausted. Not wanting an answer.

Flustered, I couldn't handle another blow, so I tiptoed slowly away and out into the hallway. I caught him in a fleeting moment as he shook his head, looking to the ground.

"Baby Doll!"

Oh boy.

"Why I oughta!"

Consequently, my clumsiness had defied me.

I pushed into a man clad in a pink suit, who sported a Victorian cane and a showstopping smile.

"Just the girl I was looking for!" He exclaimed.

"Am I ?"

I was unconsciously checking over my shoulder for my brooding manager.

"You seem flustered?"

"Oh, yes, actually," I laughed softly,"my mananger's on my tail," I giggled, glancing back to the pink clad man. He was a very attractive man. Could it be the youthful glimmer in his eyes? He was an absolute dream!

The man stepped closer, and leaned against his Victorian cane,"Well, before he hunts you down, let me just say that your performance was the best I've seen."

"That's very kind of you to say," I smiled eagerly, turning to peek but stopping myself.

He stuck his hand out, leaning his left arm on his high-end cane. "Where are my manners, I'm Anthony Magnotta,"

"Hello, Mr. Magnotta," I happily shook his hand.

"Call me Tony, please,"

He corrected, grasping my hand and lifting it to his mouth, gently.

"Forgive me," He began, twisting his hand, reaching into the inside of his breast pocket pf his suit,"this may sound sudden, but I would like to hand you my business card."

The card consisted of clean calligraphy and a crisp cut.

"I own several elite Clubs all over the map," Tony spoke, while I examined the card, "One of my newest openings is the Gentlemen's Club in London,"

My eyes and mouth simultaneously popped open.

"Singing, dancing, and acting?"

"You bet, the lot, Baby Doll!"

His offer was certainly luring,"What kind of dancing?" I asked curiously.

"All and every kind, Doll,"

"Oh wow," I thumbed his card.

"Here's my proposal,"

Anthony Magnotta had been interrupted by my tenacious manager,

"Baby Doll!"

He was on the brink of losing it.

"Uh-oh, I think I've gone too far messing about," I whispered to Anthony, amusingly.

"Who's that, if I might ask?"

"My manager, John,"

Mr. Magnotta peered at John who stormed down the hall,"

"Not very kind is he?"

"Not the kindest man in the world," I concured.

John had staggered in his rage, but noticing that I had company, he remained afar.

Anthony Magnotta, nodded sympathetically,"Listen, Baby Doll," he began, looking towards the raging John.

"I propose you come around to the Club, just to have a look, the address is on my card. And I'll make you an offer you won't refuse, doll,"

I smiled graciously, as he swept my hand up for a kiss, only to have him vanish down the hall, flashing a charmful smile to the red-faced John.

One last look to the card and I considered Anthony Magnotta's proposal. He had sensed that I was deeply unsatisfied with pagentry and came to help. I thought it was a very kind gesture in itself.

I walked over to where John glared.

"Oh, John, I never meant for things to be like this,"

"What are you on about, Baby Doll?"

"I cant stay,"

John blanched.

"What?! You're incompetent, yes, but delirious too?"

He blew past me and into the dressing room, where I heard the clatter and clash of objects.

With hopeful eyes, I looked at the business card once more.

This meant plans that didn't involve tiara's, glitter or cruel bosses. It was the upper echelon.


♚ |  SEX, YEAH! | ♚ (Chronicles of the Notorious BabyDoll)Where stories live. Discover now