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"I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer."

- Woody Allen


Friday evening, I had primped myself to perfection. I knew "The Marilyn" only worked wonders. And dressing up is hardly new me, in fact I was very accustomed to it. It went well with the profession. Over the phone, Ash said he'd come pick me up. I told him I already called a cab. And he was deflated but said no less that the party was going to be a smash.

The streets had cleared of young trick-or-treaters and precautious parents, only to be filled with now the midnight party-goers. The madness ensued.

In my costume and all, I bounded up the steps, only for the door to be opened par hasard.

"Happy Halloween!"

His voice was a prolonged cry. It was Nathan. Who else could bring their voice to such an octave?

"Fuck, only you could pull off Monroe!"

"Oh, Nathan you look absolutely darling!"

He sported a nameless, faceless surperhero costume and it was very authentic. Homemade even.

"As do you, Baby Doll!"

He claimed me in an embrace and took me by arm to lead me inside.

"Ladies and Gents, make some room for Marilyn Monroe!"

"Oh my," I laughed.

"Ash has been a big help tonight, in fact I don't think I've ever seem him like this at any of our other parties,"

I cocked an eyebrow, upon this subject of banter.

"It must be because of you."

I cackled, "Nathan, you're maddening!"

"Come this way and feast your eyes on the misfit," Nathan spoke spookly.

He has rightfully spotted Ash who in the distance attended to guests. The crowded dark area was jumping with costume roisterers. And the music pulsed a merry ambiance. It was quite a scene. Picturesque almost, a Freakshow of sorts! Past the beating bodies, Nathan had lead us to the kitchen where the silver the drinks were being shaken, prepared and served in a silver cocktail shaker by a certain Jailhouse Rock, Elvis Presley.

"Baby! There you are!" a smiling Ash welcomed, he had his arms held up.

He held his arms open, as he moved closer to me and stole me from Nathan's arm and in a tight embrace.

"Good choice," he commented, eyeing my costume, "And Happy Halloween, Baby Doll," He whispered cooly against my cheek.

"Happy Halloween," I repeated, my chin encapsuled on his shoulder. Eyeing an expensive bottle that stood out from the rest, my eyes sparkled.

"Champagne?" I spoke, between the two. It was certainly strange for such a thing to be in their household. After all, they were the ones who had banned it.

Nathan laughed,"Just for you, Baby Doll. Someone mentioned that it was your favourite," He continued, shooting knowing looks towards Ash, who looked so smug and not sorry.

"Alright, I suppose I'll pick up your shift!" Nathan clapped his hands together.

My eyes trailed to Nathan, who began to socliaze and attend to his guests.

"Come on, let me give you a show around," Ash proposed, offering his arm.

"I must say, your costume looks divine,"

"Thank you very much, Baby," He tried at his best Presley.

I particulary enjoyed seeing the well set disc jockey station, accompanied by a dancehall and bright lights. And whisked by an unexpected spur, I tugged on Ash's arm,"C'mon, let's dance!"A byoant rock song filled the air. Bodies danced around, circling in a effortless sway. Playing off the music, I danced my most brillant. Ash appeared to be an inborn dancer. As I knew from his dashing mirangue. His moves were so smooth. Releasing an air of debonair. With the stomp of our feet, I shook all I had, until Ash held onto my hips. Moving our bodies closer. A flame ignited. It warmed me, and the burning that had once faded quickly returned. Interrupted by a sudden deliberate squeeze, Nathan had emerged, purposfully dancing his way between us.

"Where my party people at?!" Nathan boomed, bumping his fist powerfully.

Giggling, he threw an arm over Ash, just as a new song came on. In a tamer part of the room, we maneuvered our way and enjoyed drinks and banter.

It was strangely delighting, having Ash hanging so close to me after our dance. His arm was cooly laced around my waist. Making his body heat warm and burn my own. In a circle of extravagant costumes, I was surrounded by such lovely people. Rosie, who dropped by for a bit of drink and dance also came. She was gorgeously dolled up as Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany's and I drooled over her costume.

"Hey boys," A seductive voice carried.

My attention was drawn to Emily, dressed as a dazzingly Wonder Woman. She moved smoothly towards us, no falter in her frame.

I caught a grimace form on Nathan,'s mouth, but made it to be nothing.

"Lovely you could make it, Emily!" Nathan jerked out, a shaking spontaneity. She flashed him a charming smile and her eyes travelled to me and then stopped at Ash.

"Fancy a dance?"

Held still, Ash's hold on my waist no longer cooled but burned. His fingertips were on fire.

"C'mon, Marilyn," He spoke in my ear, passing Emily and her intentions. Slightly stunned by the turn of event, I followed Ash as he steering us away from the chitter chatter to a more quiet scene.


Pouring myself a glass of champagne, We enjoying pleasant conversation. It felt natural just spending time with him. He made me laugh and that did wonders. I always say that if a fella can make you laugh, he's practically won your attention forever. I hadn't realized how the time that went by. After recountings of my life. My nymphet girlhood, pagentry days and being fatherless. Ash had told me about his life. Encompassing his rocky upbringing, disastrous days, being motherless and his boyhood revolt.

It was humbling. Touching even. To be told of his past. Underneath his twenty two year old cynicism, he was vulnerable. There was a delicateness to his boldness.

"C'mon, let's dance some more."

Ash placed my glass to the side and pulled me up by my hand, this time off towards a more darker, seclusive part of the dance hall. By the groove and grip of things, my white Monroe dress wonderfully adorned my body, almost as if it seeped through my skin. Ash clung to me, in every move and with every stare. He let his body do all the talking and thank god, I was fluent in his language.


♚ |  SEX, YEAH! | ♚ (Chronicles of the Notorious BabyDoll)Where stories live. Discover now