OH MY- So Small Yet So Dead

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The kids sleep most of the night but when they do wake up I still dont mind. They are the most perfect babies I have ever seen. But that could just be me being a mom. Judith and I spend at least an hour together every day so she doesnt get jelous of the babies. She still loves them though, she constantly wants to help me take care of them. As I'm changing Lora's diaper she asks me a question "Why don't I have a mommy, Anna?" It breaks my heart to hear it but I know I need to tell her. "Well honey bunny, umm your mommy she passed away" "Like Beth?" She says "Yeah, like Beth, she wanted you to be safe so she- it's complicated but she loved you a lot honey bunny." "Really?" "Yeah, do you wanna play with the twins wile I make us some lunch?" "Yeah!!!" I take Lora over to the play mat where Darin is and set out the toys "Feel free to play with the toys too Judy" She just giggles. I try to decide what to make. Mac and Cheese! I start making the bottles when I hear the babies start crying. I walk in there when I see the most unimaginable sight. "JUDITH" She has the knife to her wrist I take the knife she had managed to somehow get her hands on and shove it away from her. We had recently been teaching her the basics of a knife so she could protect herself if god forbid something happened and she was separated from us. "I ju-just wanted to se-see mommy" She cries. I cant speak. I pick up the twins and signal Judith to follow. I set them all in their highchairs. I finish up the bottles for the babies and start boiling the noodles. I pick up Darin and start feeding him as I hear the door open "In the kitchen!" I yell knowing he was about to yell for me. "Hey" I say looking at him "Hey, how are my most favorite girls in the universe and of course my bouncing baby boy" He says happily. "Lora's bottle is on the counter if you want to start feeding her"  She gurgles as Carl picks her up. "Carl, do you still have that picture from the prison? The one from when you were like 8." "I just might, why?" "I will explain later" I tell him. "Ok Judy I think your dad is missing you," I set Darin down in his chair it takes 10 minutes before we can burp him anyways. I go to grab her little backpack before I go back into the kitchen I check for any possible knifes, a pocket knife. I take it and put it in my pocket. I know she's only three but I started shooting a bow and arrow when I was 3. Besides it's the apocalypse, she should know. I  take out the stroller we found with two places for the babies. "Ok, time to burp him and we'll go." I say and I get him to burp pretty quickly. When we reach the house just next door to us we walk in because it is our other home. I see Sophia on the couch reading an old magazine "Hey Soph, can you watch the kids and Judith for a minute?" "Sure!" She says happily. Carl and I walk upstairs and see Rick and Michonne coming out of the same room yawning and this guy with a large beard "Rick I need to talk to you and Carl in private" "Ok then I'll tell you guys our news" Rick says "YOU AND MICHONNE ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!" I exclaim, what I AM a 16 year old girl. "No" Rick and Michonne say "But we are a couple" Michonne says. "I knew it, I knew it," I repeat in a happy dance like 5 times. Carl looks like he's trying to understand he just nods in approval. "Oh yeah I have to talk to you guys." I take them into Judith's room. After I explain what happened I cant tell whether they are going to yell at me or just freak out. "Well, I think it's time for me to give her that photo from the bar." Is what Rick says. He explains to us what we are doing. Well time to meet new people and the twins are going to stay with Carol and Sophia while we are gone. Oh yay!




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