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I resist the urge to look up to the sky and soak in the sunlight and let my mind wander, but instead keep my eyes focused on the carriage that is coming up the road to the gate. I take a moment to make sure that my dress is straightened and my hands calmly clasped so that I make the perfect appearance of a calm, regal princess. Elisa arrives in one of her new gowns, now fashioned to show the fact that she is no longer a small child. I look over to give her a smile and am glad to see that she smiles in return. I do not look around for father. I know that he is not out here. I heard whispers about some meeting he had with advisors this morning and since he will be at the dinner tonight, I am confident that he felt standing outside waiting for a woman to arrive to be a waste of his time. No one else seems concerned by the king's absence, so I do not pester Valeous about it. Valeous stands beside me, his hands fidgeting, a rare sign of nerves from a normally composed man. The carriage carries Lady Eleanora, his future bride. While I may feel only dread at the thought of my future spouse arriving tomorrow, Valeous is the picture of excitement as he waits for his bride to disembark as we all stand to greet her. I try to think of what she must be thinking and feeling. She has decided to leave everything of her life behind. She will have a few ladies with her, and maybe some of her family will arrive for the wedding, but in truth she is starting a completely new life all on her own. I try, but I cannot image how that would feel. I cannot fathom what it would be like to pack up my belongings and to leave behind my entire life. To gamble all of my happiness on a stranger. I realize that this is exactly what my future husband is preparing to do and for a moment I feel a bit of sympathy for him. I am not so sure I would have the same courage.

The carriage rolls to a stop and I take a moment to lean over to Valeous as they all prepare to disembark. "Are you nervous? Afraid that once she sees you she will change her mind and ride away?"

Valeous does not divert his eyes from the carriage, as if he is afraid of missing the moment she appears. "I'm not nervous; I'm excited. My future is in that carriage."

"How can you be so sure?"

Whatever answer Valeous was about to give is forgotten as the carriage door opens and Lady Eleanora steps out into the sun. Her hood is back allowing the sun to shine off of her russet curls giving her hair a slightly golden hue. Her green eyes are focused on Valeous and she smiles as their eyes meet a slight blush coloring her cheeks. Her travel dress is pale pink which makes her appear dainty and almost fragile. Her dress is slightly rumpled from travel, but from the way that Valeous is looking at her, he finds her slightly rumpled appearance beautiful.

He steps forward to greet his bride and her smile is brilliant as he reaches for her hand and raises it to his lips. I am not close enough to hear whatever he says, but the way that her cheeks turn rosy pink lets me know that she appreciates whatever compliment he must have given her.

I wait until they turn together, knowing that Valeous would want me to be the one to greet her first. He places her hand on his arm and they share another smile before they turn to me. "Lady Eleanora, I trust you remember my sister, Princess Reyalyn."

Eleanora gives a slight curtsy and I give her a smile. "Welcome, Lady Eleanora."

"Thank you, your grace, for welcoming me into your home."

"It will be your home soon enough." I wish to speak to her more, but there is a formality between us dictated by the large number of people around us. "I will come to your rooms later and see that you are properly settled."

There is a small curtsy and I see them start to walk past me and I find myself frantically wishing that Valeous will remember Elisa. I can see the worry on her face that he will forget her and walk right by into the castle, furthering her belief that she is forgotten among her own family. I try to temper the smile that wants to burst across my face when he pauses in front of Elisa.

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