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I sit on the chair near the fireplace in my chambers, my eyes trained on the dancing flames, though my thoughts are elsewhere. Night has long since fallen outside and I should be sleeping, but I cannot force myself to ready for bed, not yet. Typically on nights when I am awake long after the rest of the castle has settled for the night, it is because I am planning on sneaking out of these rooms and I am filled with excitement. Tonight, there are no plans to escape and no thrills to feel. I have sent word to Valeous' guard to deliver a message that I would like to speak with him after his meeting with father, but hours have passed and still he has not come. The length of the meeting does not bode well for good tidings. If this was a dispute with some Duke over inappropriate behavior, father would have made a decision quickly, and sent riders to manage the problem. For it to take this much time, my mind wanders only to the worst possibilities. War and violence are fears that all people have, but I feel that they are amplified for those who wear a crown, for those whose deaths would be the goal. I am not an ignorant child, I know exactly what the price of another's anger and ambition can be. I try to keep the fear that is nagging at the corner of my mind at bay, but it as each moment passes it starts to grab a stronger hold on my emotions. Whatever is happening, I know that father will be cautious, but caution is not always enough. Many cautious people have fallen victim to another's sword. 

There is a knock at the door before it opens, and Lila steps inside, quickly closing the door behind her. I notice that she is not ready for bed, which means that word has made it to her that I had sent my servants away when they tried to help me prepare. There is very little that truly stays secret inside of castle walls.

I invite her to sit. "I'm sorry that it is so late."

She takes the place beside me, the worry clear on her face. For me to send for her so late at night is unusual. "It's no trouble, though I can guess that something is bothering you. Is it Broderick? You two seemed to be getting along so well, you looked to be at ease with his presence."

"No, it's not Broderick."

"What is it? Whatever it is, I will help in any way that I can." She says the words, but they are unnecessary. I already knew that she would help me. Lila is loyal to the point of it being detrimental to her own goals. I am always glad that her loyalty extends to me.

Although I am confident that there is no one who could hear me, I still find myself lowering my voice. "Something has happened."

She lowers her voice as well. "What?"

"I don't know, but a member of the council came into dinner and shared information with father that caused him to immediately leave the table and take Valeous with him. You know how he feels about any interruptions to his sacred dinners, so the information would have to be of importance for the disruption. Insisting on Valeous' presence also hints that this is not a simple dispute between a couple of noblemen, but an action that he feels should also be known by the future king. I am not certain what the problem is, but I know that there is one, and the more time that passes the more outlandish the ideas that pass through my mind."

All are aware of the rules of dinner. "For him to disturb dinner, it would have to be information that he would feel was of dire importance to the king. Are you sure that they are still meeting? It is quite late."

"Yes. I sent word to Valeous' guard for him to come speak to me when it was over, and Valeous always comes when I send for him. He would know that I will worry until I hear what has happened. The lack of his presence means that the meeting must still be going on. A meeting that lasts for hours will not be over a trifling matter and it will not be one with a simple solution. I fear that whatever it may be will have long-reaching effects."

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