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Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. I chant it over and over in my head as I walk the last few steps to the throne room, determined to keep all nerves at bay. Just as they were a few days ago when Broderick and I were wed, the halls are all empty, but today all wait for me inside the confines of the throne room where I will officially be crowned queen. Though I am already queen, the thought of the ceremony, of all of the eyes trained on me, brings about a bit of nerves that dance in my stomach. Lila and Cora walk behind me, lifting the long, fur-lined, velvet robe that covers my shoulders and trails behind me so I have a reprieve from the burden of the weight as I walk to the room. 

There were some who were upset when they discovered Broderick and I had wed in secret, a secret we had managed to keep until the following morning. Some even called for a public wedding trying to insist the private one was not valid, but I refused and the celebration events of the last couple of days have been enough to deter any animosity that might have been felt. Any anger was further removed when word returned from the soldiers that once the strength of our resolve was seen, the ships all flew flags of peace and turned their ships back to their island. While I have increased the number of soldiers on patrol of our coast, and riders are prepared to send word of any advance, so far there has been nothing from the island of Navos but silence. I will keep my ear open to any whisperings about their king, but for now at least, we are living once again in peace.

I stop by the doors and wait as Lila and Cora lay out the train of my gown and the robe over it before the doors are opened and I walk forward. I wish for his arms, for a squeeze of his hand, but Broderick is already in the throne room as custom dictates that the reigning monarch must enter alone. I take one last deep breath to ease the slight flare of nerves that I can feel from all of those watching. I resist the urge to put my hand to my side where my corset feels that it is digging into my side and keep my fingers lightly clasped together. I must appear the picture of perfect calm and ease.

As the guards reach for the door in front of me, there is a slight movement that catches the corner of my eye and I turn my head to the sight. It is Father. I know he is not real, but for the moment he looks as if I could reach out my hand and touch him. He is strong and standing and smiling though there is no crown on his head. This image says nothing, but I can feel a calm wash over me. He is proud of me; I can feel it. Just as quickly as the image appeared, it fades and there is nothing beside me but an empty corridor.

All eyes turn to me as the doors open and the trumpets sound to herald my arrival and I can see the wonder on their faces at my appearance. Today, as I am crowned queen, Collette has made certain that I look like a queen. The robe is red and velvet, but it is the gown underneath that is so breathtaking. The gown she created is a deep red, the color of rubies that plays off the paleness of my skin. The voluminous skirt is covered with golden embroidery that shimmers as the light hits it; a sash of silver and gold embroidered flowers that match those from my mother's coronation gown circles my waist. The ends of the sleeves are embroidered with the same silver and gold flowers. Slippers the color of gold cover my feet, though none can see them. A large ruby ring flashes on my hand. Diamond and pearl earrings hang from my ears. Silver thread is incorporated in the braids of my hair and was used secure them back from my face as the rest hangs in a perfect, shiny dark curtain down my back.

I walk slowly, the pace partially dictated by the burden of the robe and dress, my eyes on where the minister stands, the golden crown being held on a pillow beside him. Although I have been queen since the moment my father died, it feels different now that the crown is officially being placed on my head, but I find I do not feel cowered by the weight of it. I feel strong enough to carry it, without it breaking me as I had once feared it would do.

I let my eyes wander a bit and I can see Ronan nearby and Eleanora standing beside him, a smile on her face for once rather than the tears I had been prepared to see. I meet Broderick's eyes and we share a smile before I kneel before the minister. I hold out my hand as he places the ring with my seal on it. I then reach out the other to grasp the golden scepter he holds out to me. My other hand reaches out and clasps the golden orb I do not hear the words that he says as he reaches for the crown and lifts it into the air. In my mind, I hear another voice. It is Valeous, his words echoes of others I have heard in the past. Words of belief and encouragement, words of love. He believed in me and it is enough to make me believe in myself. I look to my side and I can see Elisa. She stands smiling and proud. I look to the other side and my Broderick stands, his own face covered in a smile and I know that with the two of them at my side I cannot falter.

I feel it as the crown is placed on my head, the outward proclamation of the role I hold. I look to the minister as I rise to my feet. He steps back and I slowly ascend the steps, careful not to trip on my gown as others carry the train that they lay out behind me. The bell chimes the news as I take my place on the throne and all those in the hall proclaim,

"Hail the Queen!"

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