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"To see their faces and to hear them speak of the horrors they have faced, no one should have to live in such fear." Broderick's hand wraps around mine. I am grateful for his presence and for someone to talk to that I know I can trust. "I cannot imagine what it would be like to live in a constant fear that your home is going to be burned or your animals slaughtered, or your daughter forced from your home."

"He is taking away their daughters?" There is horror in Broderick's voice.

"That is one of the accusations they are making. I have seen the girl, she cannot be more than eleven. The thought of it rolls my stomach."

"What do you know of this man? Had you heard of him before last night?"

"Only once. Elisa had heard rumors of his cruelty not long ago, but that is the only mention I know of him and even then they were vague whispers among some of the noblemen's wives. I looked through my father's records this morning and asked some of the advisors about him, but the information is scarce and most of it hearsay. He is the current duke in a long family line, all of whom have resided over the same area of land. The best I can gather he has only been to court a couple of times before and not at all in the last five years. The long absence seems a bit strange, but not worrisome as not all nobility like to spend their time at court when they have their own duties to attend to. There have been no formal complaints before, though there were a few others that had heard of his more recent acceleration in cruelty, none could offer me many details and some of the stories they told were so outlandish I cannot give them any credence. One woman insisted she had heard that he bathes in the blood of the animals he kills while he eats the meat raw off the bone. I had hoped to have a better idea of the man before his arrival."

"More information would be helpful, but you are right to wait until the duke has a chance to say his piece before you make any decisions. You do not wish to appear unfair."

"I know, but I cannot imagine that they have fabricated all of their evidence. They have a list of specific incidents complete with names of witness, precise damages and dates. I have seen the terror in their eyes when they speak of him. That kind of emotion cannot be falsely created. To be a duke is supposed to be a privilege, an honor, it is not supposed to be used as a way to terrorize others."

"If it turns out that what they say is true, have you decided what path of action you will pursue?"

It is the question that has plagued my mind all throughout the night. I do not wish to be the one to make these decisions, but I cannot push this one aside as I have all of the others who have wished for my attention. Once I watched the way they all shook with fear and worry, I knew I had to listen and once I had allowed them to declare their grievances there was no way I could ask them to return to their homes and wait. It is not possible that the duke is unaware of what they have told me. Even if he is the only one without spies following his people, he would have noticed the absence of such a large number. To send them home and make them wait would be making them targets for his violence in hopes of silencing their claims. If he killed them, I would feel their blood on my hands as well.

However, I cannot make a decision based on their word alone. I cannot appear to be partial to one side no matter their claims. It is not unheard of for a group of commoners to spout lies about a nobleman in hopes to improve their own station. While my instinct may tell me to believe them, I must wait until I have the chance to make my own decisions about the duke.

"When is the duke scheduled to arrive?"

I look to where Broderick sits beside me. We are out on the balcony off my chambers. I have always loved this balcony, but it has become my favorite spot over the last few days. It provides me with a bit of calm in the midst of the storm of the castle. It is quiet out here and although we are only a couple of doors away from everyone, it still holds the bubble of privacy and feeling like we have distance from everyone else. I decided after our time together yesterday that I was not going to spend days away from him again. The press of people has seemed lighter today, a fact I am grateful for as I find my nerves beginning to build as the time for the duke's arrival nears. "He is to be here by sundown. If he listens to my riders. I do not wish to have this linger any longer than necessary, I know it is already a topic of gossip and speculation around the castle."

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