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I walk into the crumbling chapel, my small candle giving off a weak circle of light in the all-encompassing darkness. I am careful as I make my way through the trees and fight down the slight fear that I can feel prickling at the corners of my mind. While I wish to keep this a secret, if danger arrives I know that there are guards that would hear my screams, though that doesn't completely erase the fear of walking into such darkness. I think this is the first time that I have arrived at the chapel first. Jakob is always here before me, the candles lit and a comforting presence, but tonight, knowing that this may be our last night together for possibly forever, I wanted to be here first. I wanted to give him at least one memory of me waiting for him. It was a risk to bring the candle with me, it greatly increased the chances that someone would have seen me leaving the castle and heading into the gardens. If I had been seen I would have been quickly followed and escorted back to my rooms where a lecture would surely be waiting about staying safe and not venturing out alone into the dark. A lecture that would have surely been followed with an increase in my guards and Ronan would probably be told not to stray more than two feet from my side at any time. Any bit of privacy that I might have would quickly be taken away from me in the name of safety.

I set the candle down on one of the few tables that remain and reach for the blanket that we keep in the corner. I spread it out on the floor and reach for the small basket of candles that Jakob has left here. I can feel my nerves start to heighten as the candles are placed and I stand waiting for him to arrive. I look around and let my imagination stray. I can see this chapel rebuilt, stained glass in its broken windows. I can see flowers along the aisle and the altar. I can see friends filling the small space. I can see Jakob standing by the altar, waiting for me to join him. I can see the joy on his face and I can feel his love, he holds out his hand waiting for me.

The sound of a twig snapping breaks my dream and causes me to look around for fear of being followed. I stay silent and listen, but the only sounds that I hear are those of the outdoors settling itself for the night.

A sadness starts to fill me as I wait for him. The knowledge that this may be the last chance that I have to be held by him causes waves of pain to fill my chest. Since the first time we spoke I have tried to think of a way that we can end up together, and yet I cannot find the solution. I had hoped, vainly, that one would come and now I realize that all I have done is set myself up for heartbreak as the end looms near.

There is a slight rustling outside. "Reyalyn? It's me."

I hear Jakob's voice float out of the dark and can feel the sadness instantly change to excitement in the few moments before he appears in the doorway. My heart picks up its pace at his arrival. He looks around, his eyes showing his surprise as he smiles. "How long have you been out here?"

"I wanted to be waiting for you."

He walks across the small space separating us and wraps his arms around me. His fingertips graze my cheek and I feel my breath catch at his touch. I rise on my toes so that my lips might touch his and I feel his arms tighten as he pulls me close. I cannot think.

I wrap my arms around him, desperate to be close to him. He breaks the kiss so I might catch my breath as my lungs struggle against the restraints of my corset. "You are so beautiful."

I feel the tears burn at my eyes as I look at him. How am I supposed to give him up? How am I supposed to live my life without feeling this loved and cherished? How am I supposed to live my life without him? Jakob's hand cradles my cheek and I lean into his touch. His eyes are clouded with concern. "What is wrong?"

"The Duke's son arrives tomorrow." I do not dare say the words future husband to him. I do not wish to add to the pain that I know he is feeling just as I am.

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