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I curl against Broderick's side as we watch the sun lift free of the horizon it's brilliant reflection dancing across the surface of the lake. We sit in silence, but is a comfortable silence that brings peace and is unburdened by the need for chatter. While I was able to sleep, I woke before the sun as the worries for the soldiers had returned to my mind to plague my dreams. I went to Broderick's chambers early, determined to start my day with him and the calm and happiness he brings me. I was prepared to leave word for him to join me later and was surprised to find he was already awake. We brought a blanket to the water's edge, away from the stirring of the castle as others woke, enjoying the quiet solitude of the morning. 

I allow my eyes wander along the lawns and the gardens of the castle grounds and let my mind imagine a future surrounding me. I let my mind conjure images of parties and picnics on the lawns full of our friends and future family. I let the picture of children running across the grass fill my eyes. A picture of strong dark-haired boys and beautiful fair-haired girls playing in the grass and trees, all laughing and smiling and happy. I can see them running toward where an image of an older Broderick stands, his arms open to greet them as they run to him their happiness clear as they jump into the arms of their father. I can hear their laughter as it is carried along the fingers of the wind. I can see it all so clearly, as if these images truly existed rather than just as fabrications of my imagination. I can feel my heart swell and warm with the beautiful sight of Broderick surrounded by our children. I keep my eyes on this vision of the future to etch it fully into my mind so that I may easily recall it.

Broderick leans, his lips toward my ear, his breath tickling me, regret in his voice. "We should return. People will be looking for you soon."

"Can we not stay here?" His arms hold me closer and I curl tighter against him, not wishing to break this perfect moment we have. I lean my head so I may brush his neck with my lips, enjoying his reaction.

His voice is deeper as it rumbles near my ear. "We can stay as long as you wish, my love." I lean my head against his chest, relishing in the steady sound of his heartbeat.

This is where I wish to stay. This is where I am happiest. I know there is a crowd already gathering, there are those already waiting for my return so that they my press me for whatever need they feel essential. I know that there will be those that linger in the halls, eager for any word that may arrive from the soldiers though all know that not enough time has yet passed for any word to return. Once we return to the castle, this wonderful time with Broderick will be done as they will push him aside to speak with me. I wish to stay with him and cast aside all the others. "I wish we could spend all day out here together, away from all others."

His lips press against my temple. "Marry me?" The words burst forth from his mouth, surprising me though I do wish to be married to him. He stays still as if he is shocked by his own words.

I smile and can hear the laughter in my voice. "Broderick, we are already engaged."

"I want to marry"

Broderick's arms move as he leans away so that his eyes may find mine. I see the sincerity in his words, which gives me pause. "You want to get married now?"

"Yes. Every day I look forward to the time that I can spend with you and every day I find myself regretting when that time is over as it always feels too short. I want to be able to be with you, to support you, to take care of you. I know we promised each other that we would not rush our marriage that we would not wed until we felt that we felt were ready to do so. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. I want to wake to find you sleeping by my side. I want to spend every day with you. I want you to know that no matter what may happen, we will face it all together. I want to be married to you."

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