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Broderick and I walk in silence through the halls, the sound of our steps the only noise. There are no words to say. It has become one of my favorite traits that he possesses; he understands that words are not always necessary. The few that are remaining throughout the castle stay out of our path and are also covered by this blanket of silence. The sun shines brightly through the windows, it seems to be mocking in its shining today. The bright rays a stark contrast to the pall that has fallen over the castle during these last few hours. The troops should return soon as another advance rider arrived this morning to report of their impending arrival. The news has spread throughout the castle of the soldiers' report and although our troops are coming home victorious, there is a somber mood that permeates the castle and all those that are here. There are no banners to be hung, no banquets to be given. There is no welcoming victory speech that I will offer. There is no festival that will be given to honor this day. I cannot listen to joyous celebration coming from one part of the castle while my brother lies dead in another. 

I let my eyes wander to the windows that overlook the courtyard and I can see the families gathering there in eager anticipation for their return of their loved ones. Some will be filled with happiness and joy as their families are once again made whole by a return while other will face a wave of grief as they are brought back a body but not a life. Funerals will fill the next few days and it has cast a cloud over all gathered. The anxiety fills the air and makes it hard to breathe.

I feel the urge to reach out to Broderick, but I keep my hands clasped together. There are eyes watching my every move, even now I cannot looks as though I am week and need another. I am watched, not as a princess, but as the future queen as that has become my future with Valeous' death. As if he can read my mind, Broderick steps forward and offers me his arm. I wrap my hand around it and feel his other hand lay over mine. There is a warmth that flows through my veins now and I find it slightly easier to breathe with him at my side. I do not look to him. My emotions are far too close to the surface to survive it. I cried in his arms last night until there were no more tears left. He held me in his arms and let me cry. He did not try to ease my grief, did not offer pointless platitudes. He was simply there, holding me, letting me give into my pain with the assurance that I was not alone.

I let my steps slow as we pass Elisa's chambers; she stands by her door and falls into step with me. We do not speak. I came to her chambers late last night to find that the tears had already exhausted her. I watched her sleep for a while, finding some comfort from being near her. She seemed peaceful in her sleep and I did not desire to wake her and take away whatever calm she had found in her dreams. I left her a note so she would not feel as though I had forgotten her before I returned to my own chambers.

My night was restless. Every time I closed my eyes my mind would bring forth another memory of Valeous and I together. Some were of when we were small children running around the palace lawns or trying to hide from our tutors. Some were of more recent times as we would walk together or when he would try to teach me fencing. Always I would see his smiling face. When I would open my eyes and be reminded that the only memory I have left with Valeous will be of his funeral, the grief would rush back over me and I would feel almost as if I was drowning in it. It was only a couple of hours before dawn that exhaustion finally won and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

We reach the door at the base of the south tower and step out into the sunlight. For once I do no relish in the sun's warming rays, but rather feel that they should be hidden that the sky should be filled with dark clouds to mirror the sorrow I feel. I am glad to see the guards have done their job and there are no bystanders waiting around to see the moment Valeous' body is carried into the castle. I will not allow him to be gawked at. Eleanora steps out of the castle behind us. I cast her a quick glance and although she now appears calm, I can still see the telltale signs that tears have recently been shed.

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