Chapter 28

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I planned to get a chapter out on Saturday but it turns out I'm too lazy for that 😂

SOTC: Breakeven by The Script
• No wise words gonna stop the bleeding

"You don't have to stay here, you know." The corners of Deanna's mouth lifted up. "I'm fine here."

"But don't you need somebody to talk to?" I set down her glass of water on the floor. "I don't really have much else to do either."

She nodded. Then she pressed her fingernails into the blanket somebody had laid over here, as if she was itching to get off of the bed. I knew she was.

"I was wondering..." She looked at me with pleading eyes. "Maybe, can I see Judith?"

My eyes found the staircase behind her. "It's going to be a long way up."

"That's fine," she dismissed. "Can you help me?" She gestured with her arm, placing it on my shoulder.

I nodded, and she ran her hand behind my neck so I could support some of her weight. Then I pulled her off the couch, taking one painstaking step at a time across the room. It took several minutes to get up the stairs, each step involving me contorting myself so I could push her up to the next level. But when we finally reached the top, Deanna was drained, I was sweating and Judith was only across the hall.

We made our way into the room, Deanna's face breaking into a smile that brightened her eyes. Judith fussed and started to cry when I picked her up. I cradled her as I walked to Deanna, who also had tears leaking from her eyes.

"Hello," she cooed, playing with Judith's toes. Judith immediately stopped crying, giggling as Deanna continued. I couldn't help but choke up. This would be the last time I would see a baby.

I would never have a chance to do anything normal, like date or shop with my friends. Other than Carl, I've only had short exchanges with the group. Nobody else would even bother to think about painting their nails or going to the library together.

The walkers took that from me, and I was soon going to become one.

And with sharp realization, I realized I wasn't ready for that.

Rick burst through the door and my thoughts evaporated. "What the—" he spotted me holding Judith, and Deanna's fingers dancing on Judith's bare toes. "JUDITH!" He yelped, racing over and tearing Deanna away from her.

"It's still me!" She yelled, the words reverberating around us. Judith began to cry, so I tried in vain to silence her. Rick motioned for me to give Judith to him, so nodded and placed her in his arms.

I left the room, snatching a pen and a rainbow of post-its from the kitchen counter. Then, sitting on a barstool, I began to write.

• Ø • Ø •

I pulled the sheet that they gave me so it would shrug off my shoulders, and it kind of looked like I was a child in a ghost costume.

I eyed the carcass on the floor, its guts spilling out onto the beige carpet. Dad was already smearing his sheet with blood. I was preparing to reach and grab a handful of flesh, but when I looked up to gain reassurance from Kee, she was absent.

"One second," I told Dad. Then I sprinted down the stairs, straightening my hat. I found her in the kitchen, sharpie poised over a sealed blue envelope.

"Hey... umm..." I started, but Kee waved me away.

"Give me a second." She finished a final line and gave the envelope to me. "There."

I knew what it meant

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I knew what it meant. Afterwards, meaning after she was gone. A chill crept up my spine. No, I had to do something while she was still here. But when I stuck my fingernail into the glued seam line, Kee shook her head. "Wait. Please."

I nodded in understanding. You can't stop this. Don't try.

She was the one that went up the stairs first. She moved slower than before, her steps more deliberate and pained. Then she whirled around, a smirk tugging on her lips. "I see you staring, Grimes."

My heart leapt and I smiled. Pretend nothing's wrong for now.

Don't think about it. I flew up the stairwell, the sheet fluttering behind me like angel wings.



I don't know, but last I checked, the first chapter was trash.

Oh well. It's pretty impressive either way, and I literally wouldn't have been able to do it without my wonderful fluff nuggets <3

I'm doing this instead of homework because it's more fun and I don't feel like spending the night annotating poems and writing papers. You know, because I have common sense.

I also have a reading today, and if I hadn't mentioned it before, I have terrible stage fright. Worst in my class, easy. Every time, I either feel like I'm going to throw up or crinkle up into a paper ball. Plus, mother nature visited me. That's always nice.

You guys have heard enough of my stinky social skills. What's up in your life? Any problems? Any successes? I'm open if anybody wants to talk, at least for right now :)

QOTD: Name some of your favorite actors.
AOTD: Asa Butterfield, Thomas Sangster, Chandler Riggs (duh), Robbie Kay, Misha Collins, etc.


Word Count:
(see? I'm getting better)

Created 4-19-16

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