A lil Q&A :)

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Happy 275k :)

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Q: What happened to Kee and Carl after the alternate ending?
A: It's definitely up to interpretation. But I like to think that they become the sweet, always happy couple. Always smiling at each other and cuddling in every possible moment. They almost lost each other when Kee got shot, so it's natural that they spend as much time together as possible.

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Q: What would be Carl's favorite twenty øne piløts song?
A: Isle of Flightless Birds probably
(Kee's would be Car Radio for sure)

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Q: When did you first start writing stories?
A: When I was in first grade, we "published books" aka wrote about personal experiences in our lives. My stories were about trips to theme parks and stuff, but I was still a hell of a lot better than everyone else there. I think that was the first time writing became my "thing"

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Q: When did you first start writing fanfiction?
A: Saint Patrick's Day of sixth grade. The Maze Runner was my gateway. I was so obsessed with Newt, and once I found out that fanfiction was a thing that people could do, I instantly began churning it out.

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Q: When you first killed off Kee, how did you write that scene?
A: I actually did a lot of research. What makes people sad about character deaths, and techniques I could implement to help generate emotions. I took notes on articles and tutorials and brainstormed a lot. It was such a fun process, honestly, and I really like how that chapter came out :)

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Q: Ideal hairstyle?
A: Dyed bright red. Cut Dodie-style. Paired with large circular glasses 👌

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Q: How much of yourself did you put into Kee?
A: Appearance-wise, she has the same hair and height. We both use fucking colorful language and... how do I put this... grow obsessed with certain negative factors of our lives? I think similarly to her as well, in terms of how I process events and deal with problems. Otherwise, I think we're fairly different. For example, she's physically capable, and I'm a lazy potatoe

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Q: What Hogwarts house is Kee in?
A: She is very very Gryffindor.

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Q: How has Carl in BITE ME changed to be different than Carl on the show?
A: Due both to a change in events (him not losing his eye) and Kee being present, right now, he's so much happier than his TV show counterpart. Also, this is before Negan. Everyone is really frickin' happy before Negan saunters his ugly ass into the picture.

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Q: What TV shows would Kee/Carl watch?
A: They would stan Supernatural, for sure. They'd also overwatch The Office and Parks and Recreation

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Q: Strange talents?
A: I am frickin' amazing at BS (the card game). Over the years and hundreds of games I've played, I've probably only lost a handful of times. I'm also really good at Greek folk dancing

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Q: Where are you sitting right now?
A: In a blue & green hammock on my back porch. It's dark outside and I'm going blind by the light of my computer but it's alright because my cat is with me

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Q: Between Kee and Carl, who would win in a game of Risk?
A: Carl would ace that game tbh no question. He would take over Asia first (having no clue where each of the countries actually were, because he's only had a 5th grade education lol). Carl would get really into the game, and Kee would just let him win sometimes, just to see him be really happy and smiley for the rest of the day. And Carl's always a good sport about it too, not rubbing it in her face, just being inwardly really proud of himself.
However, in a game of Cards vs. Humanity, Kee would SMASH Carl. In more ways than one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

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Q: Last question: What was your favorite part about BITE ME?
A: Well, it's been about a year since I finished it. But I've still been so closely glued to each chapter and each piece of the story. And that is mainly due to you guys continuously supporting me through reading and commenting and voting. I've become friends with so many of you lovelies, and I love the way that my shitty writing has somehow made that happen.

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Are you guys aware that I have another fanfic? It's called DEVILS and I actually love it a lot. It's better than BITE ME so far, writing-wise. And it deals with darker themes. And it's going to be longer and more eloquent than BITE ME ever could be. You guys should check it out ☺️

Thank you again. So much. For allowing me to do this and other so many other things. You guys have saved so much of me, and I love all of you for it. Thank you thank you thank you thank you, forever. And I hope you have a lovely summer <3

BITE ME  ➼  C. G. 〖 #wattys2016 〗Where stories live. Discover now