1. Can't Catch Me

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Gods? Assassins? Nerds? Billionaires?

Yes, gods, assassins, nerds, and billionaires saved the city of Manhattan from being pelted by aliens... Aliens.

Gods... Aliens...

It makes me quiver at the thought that us earthlings are not alone in the universe. I mean, I always knew that there was life beyond this planet, I just never thought that I'd see them. And the thing that made the invasion possible; what was that? And the people that stopped it; who are they?

It especially worries me at the fact that the population of superhuman beings are now increasing rapidly and some are going bad, especially after the attack.

I shrug, for there's nothing I can do about it. I'll just have to sit it out and see what the future brings.

I take a cold breath and continue walking, feeling paranoid. It's not the safest trying to walk through the streets of New York during the middle of the night when all of the petty criminals are on the prow for helpless civilians; and as if on que, my heart leaps as I begin to hear multiple footsteps following behind me.

I guess this is just one of those days.

I don't run, for I know that they'll chase after me, but I don't slow my place either. I decide to turn a corner just so I don't lead them to where I live, and that's when the voices reach me. "C'mon, we just wanna talk," a man blurts. "You look cold, honey," another says with a deep and daunting tone.

I try to keep my cool and calmly say, "Leave me alone." I mentally snicker at myself for that. Words like that only make things worse. I rethink myself and add, "I don't have any money. So, shoo shoo."

They keep on trying to get me to stop, letting me know that it's not money that they want from me. So, I look down at myself to see what could have provoked such derogatory behavior from these men. I'm not revealing anything at all. I have on a thick jacket, jeans and boots, so I conclude that this is out of desperation, which is even worse.

I almost stop as I'm about to pass by a dark alley, but keep going. I begin to feel a jumpy feeling pervade through my body, causing me to tense up and get warm. And as I thought, I'm yanked into the alley way and pushed onto the ground.

I quickly get up and distance myself from the two predators, now feeling the sudden rush of energy from the fright. I look at them, and they look at me with an intense animal like hungriness in their eyes. The taller one pulls out a switchblade and begins to inch towards me. "Come here kitty, kitty," he tells me.

I begin to see things a lot clearer now that my balance has been tipped off. "Sorry," I begin. "This is reserved until married."

His grin gets even bigger... Perv.

He rushes over and tries to pin me down, grabbing at me at all the wrong places I get myself behind him and swiftly snatch his blade. I then quickly get him on the ground and bang his head against the , knocking him out cold. His buddy then figures out what had just happened and decides to come to his aid. I was able to subdue him quickly and silently as well.

What a turn off events, I think to myself as I wipe the imaginary dirt off of my clothing.

"What's taking those two so long," I hear all of a sudden. I look to see an even bigger group of men, who were apparently awaiting the two I just beat up. I pause when I hear a guy say, "I think they went in here."

At first, they're confused, but then they see me. Let's say that it was a good five minute staring contest before they reacted and started to chase after me.

My instinct is to run like any other rational person would do.

The race begins, the first obstacle being a high fence with a huge trash bin in the other side. Luckily though, it's covers are on.

I can not believe I'm actually running away from these people! I was just minding my own business.

I quickly climb the fence, hop over onto the bin and off and continue sprinting. A second passes and I stop, watching as the men struggle a bit to get over the fence. Pathetic.

I stand here, waiting, until I notice the fire escape on the building to my right. I climb up the escape up onto the roof of the building and begin my rush home.

I should have probably maimed them, cause they'll still be loose on the streets, but to be honest, I'm really tired.


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