14. Publicity Stunt

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I raise my eyebrows at Rodgers after his semi powerful speech. "How many times have you rehearsed that?" I ask him.

Anyway, we managed to get into the headquarters without being noticed surprisingly, and we infiltrated one of those rooms with a mic so you can speak to everyone in the headquarters. That's when Rodgers gave his speech and stuff. All we have to do now is continue our plan and hope that some loyal shield employees will help us now that they are aware that Hydra infected SHIELD.

Sadly enough, I'm on field duty with Rodgers and Sam. Mental sad face emoticon.

So we rush out onto the plane docks and head for the helicarriers, avoiding deadly projectiles and Hydra agents on the way.

I went from being a publisher to this in a matter of months... Why?

With the help of Sam, or 'Falcon', we are set right on our targets. Not long after I'm dropped off at my destination do I feel an utterly terrible sensation rip through my body. I spin around to see no other than the Winter Soldier, and before I can even blink I'm smacked off of the helicarrier, which has already gotten a couple hundred feet up from the headquarters.

I hit the ground with a literal crashing thud, destroying the nicely paved concrete upon my landing. The pain wasn't what mattered, for the only thing I felt was anger. I am so going to get that guy for that.

"What happened?" Hill asks demandingly in my ear.

I yank and struggle out of the mini cement crater that I had formed, and say, "The Winter Soldier just bitch- slapped me off of the helicarrier. Either Rodgers or Sam is going to have to take care of it now."

In a matter of a minute, Sam comes over to retrieve the chip from me. All I can do now is keep Hydra agents off of the helicarriers in pursuit of Rodgers and Sam. Once I get an area clear, I look up to see Sam falling out of the sky with his now broken faulty wings. Luckily, he pulls out a parachute at the last minute. I guess the Winter Soldier got him too.

I sprint over to Sam's landing spot to insure his safety. Luckily, he's perfectly fine. Sadly, all he wants to do is swim in the pool of danger in the headquarter. I huff out of exasperation as I lazily follow Sam into SHIELD's main building, but soon enough, I regret not moving faster. In a matter of a minute, I lose sight of Sam.

Crap! He's gonna get himself killed!

For the pure fact that I know unwanted attention will come if I start calling out for him, I stay silent and just force myself to just follow my instinct.

As I walk through the oddly empty interior of the headquarter in search for my cousin, I begin to let my thoughts release themselves in my brain.

Why is everything happening so quickly? I just had to steal those files from Stark, didn't I? If I hadn't, my life would be as it was; boring, somewhat normal. I could roam with no aim in life, but now look at me. I'm using my powers to fight, I'm letting people in, I'm... Not me anymore. I'm risking the lie that I've been living in for what? I'm sacrificing my comfortably meaningless life for what?

Something that I didn't knew I cared about until now... People. All my years of life I could have cared less about everyone and everything until my eyes were open by... Jondin? No, that makes no sense. But I'm truth, I was always a very unsocial person until he came around, and even through my many attempts at pushing him away, he still won't leave me alone, seeing something in me that I didn't know I had until he broke me open...

Feelings. Deep, heartfelt, feelings.

Maybe this was fate, or destiny, for me to be doing this. Maybe this is my purpose. To put others lives before my own. To be a... Hero-

What the hell? Did I just think that last part? Ew, what the heck is wrong with me?

I grimace at my incredulous thought and continue on my pursuit for Sam.

A hero? You're funny.

As I'm about to near an large empty computer lab, I begin to hear the grunts and struggles of two men, both sounding wildly familiar. I quickly slide into the room like, "Hey you guys." I shortly take in my surroundings. The first few things that capture my eyes are shattered glass, broken tables, and completely dismembered computers. I then notice Sam on the ground with Rumlow standing over him.

A sudden rush of anger pervades through me, resulting in me involuntarily punching Rumlow right on the side of his face. My heart rate quickens and my breathing gets more rugged, so I take off my mask in attach it to my belt. I'm going into distress, which I cannot afford to do right now, so I take deep breaths and slow everything down.

Rumlow stands there for a moment with his head still turned the way I punched it. His jaw then ticks and that's when he decides to look at me. His cold brown eyes are interlaced with furious confusion.

That's it. We don't know what to even say to each other.

The awkward silence being shared between us -including Sam- begins to get unbearable, so I start with a blunt, "I thought you loved me."

"I do," he states curtly.

I look up onto his now locked expression. "Then stop this."

A sad smirk plasters itself on Rumlow's face. "... No."

I feel my heart shrink, but there's nothing I can do-

"Um, Yvette," I look over to Sam to see him looking past us. I quickly snap my head to the huge glass walls to see that a helicarrier is about to crash right into the building, our floor first.

Tears begin to swell up in my eyes, which is something that hasn't happened to me in years, but I have to do what's right, despite my new feelings. I shove Rumlow back with a large force just before Sam pulls me into a dead sprint. I hear Sam yell out the floor number right before we go through the glass and out of the window. I ignore the adrenaline rush, I ignore my increasing heart beat, and I ignore my irregular breathing thinking, we just flat handedly committed suicide, but I realize shortly that a helicopter was awaiting us, though not at the floor we were on.

After a few seconds of falling, we land straight in the helicopter.

As the distance increases between us and the burning headquarter, I begin to wonder if Rumlow could have possibly survived. Hopefully, yet probably not. I shoved him back, making sure that he couldn't make it out on time. I don't know why I did that, and truth be told... I don't wish death upon him.

Once we land, I notice that one big thing is off. Calming down, I ask, "Where's Rodgers?" The immense silence that follows informs me that no one is aware of Steve's current location.

I sigh out of annoyance. "I'll go find him," I mumble.

I step out it the helicopter and head into the forested area where one of the helicarriers landed, assuming that that was the last one he was on before Sam and I went AWOL. I just hope that I don't find him dead.

Anyway, as I am about to near the small creek when I hear movement in the water. I quickly climb up the nearest tree and watch the scene carefully. I observe as the Winter Soldier drags Rodgers out of the water and places him down. I'm thinking Rodgers has drowned until I hear him cough. I then watch curiously as Winter guy stalks away.

Any other person would pounce on him, but I just witnessed him save Rodgers life, so I let him be, predicting that I'll get a further explanation later on. Afterwards, I press on my earpiece and say, "I found him."

I'm just about to climb down the tree when all of a sudden I feel a heavy series of vibrations on my butt. I reach down into my pocket and pull out my phone. I turn it on a and watch as a mother load of notifications spam my screen. All of which is information on SHIELD and Hydra... All of which is information on us. Romanoff's life is trending, so is Rodgers, and so is MINE.

On my Tumblr page is a bunch of crazies spamming and sending me retarded questions and posts, now knowing my account.

My heart rate speeds up once more as the hard truth sinks it's teeth right into my neck.

The life that I worked so hard to achieve has now been taken away from me. Now everyone knows who I really am.


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