16. Collide

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My body becomes a heater and my heart turns into an old motor, and for minutes I am frozen in place. At the mention of my stepfather, I feel only the worst of feelings. He...

He! He was there in that narcotics mission! He was the El Chappo that we were looking for! That's how he knew my name! That's how he recognized my powers! I was so close to finding him out, but I let it go.


I quickly text Jondin back hoping that he'll respond. My stepfather is a dangerous man, and I don't want Jondin to be affiliated with him.

[Jondin, you need to get outta there now!] I text frantically.

I wait for long anxious minutes before he replies, [... OK, but I'm coming straight 2 u.]

[That's fine. Just stay away from him, OK?]

I wait for another response. A minute passes, then two, then five... I sit and go without a reply for thirty minutes. Of course, I assume the worst, but I refrain from panicking. Instead, I take deep breaths and ponder over what I'm going to do now.

All of a sudden, my phone vibrates, signaling that I have gotten another message. I quickly open it up without delay.

[What a coincidence, Yvette. I didn't know you were affiliated with Jondin Wertenbaker. By the way, have you missed me?]

My heart stops. Sh**.

I get another message. [You know exactly where to find me. People have never really been all that smart.] Richy texts.

My panic disappears and I suddenly revert into my old self. The self that can handle anything and feel nothing. Richy makes me bitter with cold, and I refuse to let him see me scared. I don't ask what he's done or plans to do with Jondin, I'll just have to find out.


To me, the area looks obliterated, and there only stands one fully intact building. The building where I found him. This is the same place where we took down the narcotics folk, and I'm guessing it was completely destroyed afterwards. It's no longer supervised, and it's open to anyone. As I stroll into where I suspect Richy and Jondin to be, I also notice that no guards of henchmen of any sort stand near.

I take one last look around and a deep breath before opening the crusty metal door.

I step into a poorly lit room, with one bulb hanging from the ceiling revealing only two figures. The first one I notice is Jondin, sitting with his hands bound together behind his back and a gag shoved into his mouth with tape to secure it. The right side of his face is bruised with a trail of a dark red liquid running down his forehead. He looks like he put up quite a fight.

I'm relieved that he's alive and begin to head towards him, but then I remember the second figure. Standing over Jondin is Richy, pointing a pistol at me. At that realization, I stop where I am and take in the moment.

Richy turns the gun away from me and onto Jondin's head. "Take off the mask," he demands me.

On reflex, I respond with a "You're not my dad," just like old times. He smirks, I then hear a click from the gun and watch as he presses it onto Jondin's temple. That was reckless of me, I think to myself. "Fine, fine." I remove my mask and attach it to my belt. "You happy?"

At the sound of my normal voice, Jondin looks up. I try to ignore him and stay focused. "I'm here, now what do you want?" I ask my former stepfather.

"To watch you fall apart. Thanks to you, Hydra is done."


I frown and then begin to rub my head, not sure if I'm surprised that Richy would be part of such a thing, and why he'd bring that up right now. "Excuse me?"

He begins to go on a rant. "Yeah, I was going to take you there. Remember? The day you ran away. Your powers were like nothing we've ever seen. We were finally going to be able to-"

"What?" I interrupt, not wanting to hear anything else from his generic tirade. "Defeat SHIELD? Look, I don't have time for this. Let Jondin go."

"No, he's our next step."

Did he just tell me 'no'? "Great to know that Hydra's still up and running," I state sarcastically. "But what does Jondin have to do with anything. He's just a normal person."

Richy smirks. "Exactly. I don't need you anymore." Then why the f-word did he do so much extra then?! "Well, not alive anyway, we don't need you messing things up in the future," he adds.

The room is all of a sudden illuminated to show a full on brigade of Hydra soldiers standing by various tools around the entire area. By the look of it, it's all very sharp and sterile things. Now I begin to feel.

A vast rush of fear hits me as I realize that I'm screwed. I came with no defense whatsoever, and I'm surrounded by to many people with an easy target. Suddenly lost, I just stand still as Richy aims his pistol right at me and pulls the trigger, and my force field doesn't appear to help me this time.


Well, I'm not dead, but I am wondering how the bullet is floating. I know for a fact that it's not me, and judging by the look on the other's faces it's not any of the soldiers either. I then direct my attention to Jondin, who has that intense look on his face.


In a matter of a second, everything in the room goes flying. As random gunshots begin to fire I forcefully pull out my field-o-force and rush over to Jondin. My vision begins to darken and my head begins to hurt, but I focus on getting him free. Once I do that, the madness gets even crazier. The sharp objects begin to hit others and bullets going around randomly as well. Soon enough, everything starts to become a blur. It gets worse when I hear a body fall next to me of course.

I look at the dead corps of my stepfather, and like any other rational human being on earth would do, I scream.

The scene replays in my mind. The screaming, the throbbing headache, the fear, the muffled yells, the earthquake, the darkness...

The darkness.


I groan as I push myself up from something hard. Smelling crap in the air, I cough and wait for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Shortly, I find myself sitting up on rubble and debris in the middle of the night.

I lost track of time, but the last thing I remember is a lot of chaos, and me going into shock.

Aw sh*t.

I look around and see that all of the rubble and destroyed leftovers of buildings was caused by me. I push myself up and begin to look franticly for Jondin. My heart pace quickens at the anxiety. If I caused his death, I would never forgive myself.

In the near distance, I hear a pained moan and snap my head to the direction of the noise. I rush over and see Jondin trying to pull his leg out from underneath a huge block of cement. I rush over and lift it up long enough for him to get his leg out.

"Thank you," I hear him mutter.

I sigh in relief and help him sit up. "Are you alright, even though you clearly look destroyed," I ask.

"My leg is broken, other then that I'm peachy."

Look at what I've done. Great going me. "Jondin, I'm so sorry, I-"

Jondin winces, and then begins to chuckle. "You saved me from getting shot to death before I had a seizure. I just had enough in me to get you clear from death."

I force a half smile. "You're the most interesting man I have ever laid my eyes on."


Authors Note:

Sorry for the rushed chapter, I've been really distracted lately.

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