11. Search Party

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It's been about a day since I last saw Rumlow and everybody else affiliated with SHIELD. No, I take that back, I did go to retrieve my new and improved mask from Stark yesterday after I fished work, but I'll get to that later.

Anyway, since Fury's death, I couldn't help but think pessimistic thoughts. Like, SHIELD is going to crash, or I won't get that extra paycheck every month, or everyone is going to be sad, and my life will resume back to normal and I will return to having no goal in life.

Not like SHIELD really gave me a specific goal or anything anyway other than cleansing the world of criminals and terrorists (whether they be human or not). Sometimes I wonder what my purpose in this life is, or if I'm just some unplanned meandering fanfiction.

I shrug.

I turn over my new mask in my hand and point out the new details. First, purple material fills in the crack that used to be on it, making it appear that a purple lightning strike runs through from the top through the right eye. Second, it has other qualities and abilities that I'm not aware of yet because I was to lazy to figure them out.

I sigh once more before I'm startled by the sound of a sudden knock at my door.

Ugh... Who could it be this time?

I get my lackadaisical self off of my bed and glide out of my room. Once I reach my door, I open it just a little. What I see is a sight. "Oh my good, what happened?" I ask.

I grab Rumlow's bruised face and observe it, turning it at will to survey the damage. "Captain America-" he begins.

"What? Kicked your ass? I see that." I grab his arm and lead him into my living space. "What happened?"

"Rodgers has information regarding Fury's death that he refuses to share."

What? Well, Rodgers must have a logical explanation behind that. I'm not just going to assume he's the bad guy, cause... well... he's CAPTAIN AMERICA.

Get it? Get it? Cause it's Captain AMERICA.

"Well, are you OK?" I ask Rumlow. "When did this happen?"

"Yesterday, shortly after you left the headquarters."

I don't respond after that explanation. I mean, what am I supposed to say? Sorry you got beat up by Rodgers? I sure feel sorry for yah, buddy? Oh my gosh, did he kill you? Like, boi... Sometimes I feel so insensitive. I should try to show some sort of feeling. "Well, since you're here, do you want something to drink? Eat?" I ask him, desperately trying to switch the subject.

"No thanks," Rumlow responds. Then why is he here exactly? I watch as Rumlow walks over to me, once again invading my personal space boundary. "I just came over to see how you were doing." We just saw each other yesterday.

"Uh... Well I'm a lot better now, thank you," I answer, getting uncomfortable.

There is a cringy tension for five seconds until Rumlow breaks it with a kiss. This one is a little different than the last one, this kiss lasts longer, but I'm not going to put out specific details. It's not like it's a really adult one or anything, trust me it is not like that, but yeah... I was really tongue-tied.

The semi intense make out is abruptly interrupted by the loud noises coming from both of our phones. We pull away from each other and I rush into my room to first, catch my breath, and to second, answer my phone.

The strike team is now on the prow for Rodgers.


Well at least they got me on a day off.


This is a nice mall, I think to myself. It's also very crowded, so I wonder how exactly do we plan on finding them. I also wonder how could they NOT find us. The entire strike team is dressed in black badass looking outfits that stand out in the crowds, leaving me to be the only one to dress like a normal civilian.

"OK, time for us to split up," Rumlow tells me. I look around the mall searching for clues before I respond with an 'OK'.

He he gives me a quick peck on my cheek before strolling off. I grin, thinking, oh my god Rumlow is so adorable. I quickly shake off that thought and put my hoodie over my head, heading to the nearest bench to sit on. Once I do that, I whip out my phone and begin to 'entertain' myself on it. Anyone would completely disregard me this way.

"Any sight of them?" A voice in my ear asks after a good ten minutes.

I make it seem as if I'm about to wipe my nose and say, "Nope," and then I continue looking through Tumblr. I gotta keep track of all the dank memes, right?

Something ticks in my brain that causes me to look up, and I see no one other than Rodgers and Romanoff in the crowd of shoppers about to exit the mall. They must be really clever, because I don't know how you miss a short redhead walking around with a tall and ripped guy.

I'm about to alert the others, but then I decide that it's best to just let them go. Something tells me that this whole bounty hunt for Rodgers is a little fake.

I don't do fake.

I watch as they walk out unnoticed, and resume my search for cancerous posts. I do this until everyone on the strike team finally notices that they are no where to be found, and calls off the mall search. I wait expectantly at where I sit until a noticeably exasperated Rumlow comes to sit next to me. I place my hand on his head just to see if he'll respond.

He smirks, takes my hand, and kisses the back of my palm. "How many dates have we been on?" He asks me.

... I mean, I guess... "Five," I answer. "Including the time I spent testing out new weaponry."

"Well let's make it six..." Rumlow reaches into his pocket and pulls out a velvet rectangular box and hands it to me. "When I figured that we wouldn't find them I decided to get you something since I was here."

Please don't tell me it's expensive... I take the box from his hands but hesitate to open it. I do, and almost choke on oxygen. It's beautiful, exquisite, but really. I pull out a gold threaded necklace with a ruby charm. "Take it back," I tell him immediately. I try to hand it back but he persists that I keep it. Why would someone want to waste money on me like this?

"It's for you. Keep it."

But it's so expensive, I whine mentally. Quickly enough though, I get over it and put it on around my neck. "Thank you, Rumlow. It's beautiful. I probably will never take it off."

He smiles warmly at me, enjoying the moment. I, not used to looking at someone smiling for so long, burst out in a spontaneous laughter.

Ah, I need a chill pill.


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