Back to the Past part 1

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"What are we going to do with her?" I overheard my mother ask my stepfather. "She can't continue regular schooling, she can't adapt to the public... I can't even keep her in our house. I-I can't do this anymore. I don't know what to do with my own child!"

Her words produced a quick and sharp feeling of hurt in my stomach as if I were stabbed by sadness. I didn't know that I was such a burden to her and others. I mean, she would always tell me that I was different, but I never felt different until then, and I felt it in a bad way.

I heard a deep and cruel voice sigh. "Just send her off somewhere."

Send me off? On my own? I began to tremble at the thought of my mother sending me off to God knows where.

"Where Richy, where?" my pissed mother asked him.

There was a long silence, and then my stepfather spoke up. "I know an organization that would pay big bucks for someone like her," he suggested.

What?! My mother would never agree to 'sell' me off! Right?

"Oh really?" she asked.

My heart nearly stopped. She would. My abilities were not a gift like my mother would always tell me, but a curse that put fear in even the people I thought had loved me.



Later on that night, I was rudely woken up from my sorrowful sleep by my stepfather, Richy. "Get up. I'm going to take you out to have a little fun," he told me. He easily forgot that I was ten-years-old, not five, but I had no choice but to get up anyway.

I took a small backpack of my really important stuff with me as Richy dragged me out of the house. As we walked to his truck, I asked, "Where are you taking me?"

He had roughly grabbed me by my shoulders and spat, "You've ruined your mother's life, you've ruined mine, and other's have noticed too. You're an abomination, Yvette, don't you see? You're... weird. I'm taking you where others like you have some use."

At that moment I felt like crying, but instead replaced the sadness with hate. I let Richy drag me into the car, and I let him drive me away from home.

I'll show him what a demon seed looks like.

We drove for a couple of hours nonstop, and halfway through I had gotten hungry. I decided not to say anything though because I was to upset. Eventually, he stopped at a gas station to get some more gas and to get himself something to eat.

Once Richy exited the car, I tried opening the door. He locked it. Crap, how am I going to escape now?

I grunted and looked out of my window hoping to find something that could possibly help me, but all I saw was some white dude with cool sunglasses filling up his motorcycle with gas across the way.

I decided that my best chance would be to run out past Richy as he opens his door coming back from the mini market. I watch anxiously as he strides over to the driver seat door. The moment he opened it I ditched. I pushed right passed him and hopped out of the car. For a second, I thought I was fast, but then Richy grabbed me by my backpack.

He jerked me back and hissed, "You're not going anywhere!"

I began kicking and screaming for my life, hoping that someone would notice and help me out. No one did, and Richy began to drag me back into the car.

I'm not going back into that truck!

All of a sudden my vision had gotten slightly darker, and the ground had begun to shake. A strange force of a glassy lavender color had surrounded me, shoving Richy into the car. I cringed as my head began to throb suddenly with an excruciating pain. Soon enough it began to get unbearable, producing a scream from the top of my lungs.

Everything came to a sudden stop, and I looked at all the damage that I had caused...

And then I ran.

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