17. Back to Normal

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I stifle a laugh as I watch Jondin squirm uncomfortably in his hospital bed. "How's your leg?" I ask him. "And other fractured things?"

Jondin scratches at the bandage wrapped around his forehead. "My leg should be good as new in a few months, and it looks like I might have to be going left-handed, but don't worry. I'm ambidextrous," he replies. "And how are you?"

I grab and pull up the extra chair to be next to his bed and sit down. "OK. I got a new job. You know, writing everything for Stark's papers and pamphlets and the usual marketing crap."

"Nice. At least you'll get paid more."

I smile at his upbeat attitude. "I'm glad you're still the same, even though you're broken." I clear my throat. "So, how come you never told me that you were a mutant?"

Jondin shrugs. "I was going to tell you, trust me, I was, I just... I don't know. I thought that maybe you wanted something to be normal in your life for once."

"Normal is a concept that was violently thrown out of a window the moment I was born. I have been trying to live in a lie for years, trying to forget about my past and my abilities. Being chucked into chaos opened my eyes, Jondin. And you did too. Sorry it took me two years to figure that out." I lean over and gently kiss him, I then pat his face and begin to leave.

"Wait, that's it?" Jondin asks. "A small kiss?"

I place my hand on my hip. "We haven't even been on an actual date."

"What? I thought we had chemistry during that shoot out earthquake incident. We shared injuries. It was state of the art."

I chuckle and turn away. "I'll be back."

I search for a place to eat, going here and there and buying food to consume. Me having a small body and a huge appetite leaves me rarely appeased, so this process lasts for a while. 

I finish off my last hamburger and start towards Jondin's room again. As I walk, a guy in a black hoodie catches my eye. He passes right by me, and drops a piece of paper on his way. I pick it up and call after him, but he ignores me and continues walking.


After glaring at the dude until I lost sight of him, I unfold the piece of paper out of curiosity. That's weird, it's written to me. I read it over and over again until I finally confirm who it's from and who it's too. Looking over it one last time, I grin.


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