12. Visits Be Like...

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I really do need a hobby. After work I do nothing but eat, sleep, watch Netflix, or look at dumb memes. If I get really lucky, I go out with Rumlow or on a top secret mission. Other than that, I live a very unproductive life, and it's a little sad. I don't have family to talk to or visit, and Rumlow is busy today.

Just on que, my phone begins to ring. I stare at it for a moment, not sure if I feel like answering it, but I pick my phone up anyway and ask, "Hello?"

"It's me," a familiar voice says. "I was wondering..."

"Sam?! Is that really you?!" I exclaim, almost shocked at what I'm hearing.

"Yes-" he answers.

I blow. "What the heck, man! I thought you were dead or something! You got me out here thinking that I don't have any family left and you now decide to call?! Where the hell have you been?!"

"I didn't know what had happened to you, and then the next thing I know I find a business card on the ground with your name and phone number on it. Why a publisher?"

"That's not the point. What happened to you? I thought you were in the military."

"Yeah, I got out a few years ago-"

"THEN WHY HAVEN'T YOU CALLED?! Look, I'm coming over. Address. NOW!" I command.

After Sam gives me his address, I quickly get dressed and begin to head over there on my stolen - I mean borrowed motorcycle.

And here I was thinking that I had no family left, having thought that he had lost his life on duty. Then bam, he calls me out of the blue like nothing happened. That stupid cousin of mine.

I stop abruptly at a very basic and unassuming house. At least it would seem that he's doing fine. Anyway, I hop off of the bike and rush to the door. Hesitantly, but eventually, I knock on the door and await for an answer.

And there he is... Sam. Still living.

I punch his shoulder, but then embrace him after his fit. The hug lasts for 30 seconds before we release each other. "So," Sam starts. "Would you like some breakfast?"

I nod, and then he leads me into his kitchen where I sit at the table placed neatly in the center. He hands me a plate of food before walking off. When Sam returns, he sits opposite of me and asks, "What have you been doing with your life?"

I shrug. "You know, I'm a publisher. What about you? I haven't seen you since you went into the military."

"Yeah, that's over now." I watch Sam's eyes wonder down to my neck. He smirks and asks, "Have you finally been cracked?"

Sam is pretty much the only person who knows that I'm a seclusive person and was the only person that could break through my walls. After everything I've been through he was the only one who was loyal to the end. I had forgotten how to trust, but over the years I've been regaining my confidence in people. So, I smile and answer, "Yes I have."

Sam opens his mouth to ask me another question, but two other people walk into the area. It's still for a long, LONG time. "Spider woman and Uncle Salty," I say, referring to Romanoff and Rodgers.

"You guys know each other?" Sam asks us.

"Yeah," Rodgers answers curtly. "What are you doing here?" He asks me, quite rudely I might add.

"This person right here is my cousin. Why are you here?" I ask with just as much attitude. "Oh, and can you enlighten me on why SHIELD is trying to track you down? I heard one side of the story and I would like to hear yours, since I'm here."

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