Back to the Past part 4

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I rested my hands on my knees at an attempt to catch my breath. Learning how to fight had been fun yet hard and energy draining, but it had to be done. I had been living at the home for mutant children for a few good years by that time, and it's been proven multiple times that I was a very non-skilled fighter. So, I was taught to fight with and without my powers, and I found out a few things. My bones are a lot stronger than most, so I have a much higher pain tolerance. I also can be very unstable when it comes to using my force field voodoo. All in all, my reflexes are on point.

"Never seen anything like that before." I quickly turned my head to the origin of the voice. The holograms in the room disappeared to reveal Johnny, that one fire dude.

That's nice. I gave him a slightly awkward nod before heading out. As I was about to pass him, he grabbed my arm. I glared at him until he let go.

With a smirk he asked, "You're the infamous Yvette, right?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Infamous?" I haven't done anything to be deemed 'infamous'.

"You wear dark colors and don't interact with anyone. In my eyes that's infamous."

Wow. "Good for you then, but what do you want from me?"

I watched him fiddle with his lighter before answering, "I was planning to go into the city, and I was wondering if you would join me."

I took five seconds to think about it. "No thanks," I answered.

Johnny snickered. "Let me rephrase that." He cleared his throat. "You're coming with me."

Dude, really? I took a step closer to him and said, "No. Thank. You." With that out of the way, I turned and marched off.

Ms. Behave [The Winter Soldier Fanfiction]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant