13. Wrong Side

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I raise my assault rifle up to shoot at him again only to realize that I had positioned myself way to close to emo Rodgers. He deliberately smacks the gun out of my grasp and swings at me. I only barely manage to dodge his killer blow.

Oh great, now I have him triggered.

I quickly get myself behind him and kick him right on his back side, and then he quickly turns and almost breaks my leg with just one punch. God, this guy is fast and strong. Crap.

The moment is almost just like my fight with Rodgers minus the shield. Plus this guy is way more aggressive. I spent most of the time just trying not to get hit. He swings at me one last time before I catch his fist of iron. I the try to punch him myself but he catches my seemingly petit hand as well. For a moment we just stand there struggling against each other's forces, it ends quickly when I decide to kick at his abdomen.

Emo brunette Rodgers guy almost hits a car, but doesn't. Instead, he pulls out a random pistol.


I'm thinking that I've already been shot at, but I figure out otherwise when I see Captain Emo hashing it out with Captain America. Without hesitation, I quickly get out of their way and watch the battle from a distance. To me, it looked as if Rodgers needed a little assistance, but as the fight progressed I could see that he was just fine. He even got the dude's mask off.

Everything stops between them, and I wonder what's happening. Why are they just lookin' at each other?

Without us even noticing, an army of strike team members come to surround us ready to shoot. I raise my hands up in a surrendering gesture just as a helicopter begins to hover above the scene. "Not here," I hear a strong voice say to the strike team.

I find the origin of the voice rather quickly, and my heart falls onto the ground. Rumlow... He catches sight of me as well, and once he sees the look on my face, turns away.


Great. Now what?

Look at us. Romanoff, Rodgers, Sam, and I are hand cuffed, sitting in a van on its way to our deaths, and then Romanoff is bleeding from her shoulder and will probably begin to suffer from major blood loss soon. Sam tries to ask one of the SHIELD Jedi to help, but instead gets a gun pointed towards his head.

I'm about to flip, but the person holding the gun turns on the other guard person and knocks him out. I raise my eyebrows, now hopeful. The person takes off her helmet to reveal a woman. A familiar woman.

"Oh my god, it's Robin Sparkles," I say, referring to Agent Hill.


With the help of Hill, we were able to escape into some secret hideout of some sort. To make matters even better, we find out that Fury still lives. Now we sit at a table discussing how we're going to take Hydra-SHIELD down.


"I have to be part of this?" I ask. "I still have a job to do tomorrow-"

"No need to worry about that. Since you escaped you probably won't even be able to go home," Fury tells me dryly.

"If I proved my loyalty to SHIELD I was supposed to be left alone, that was our deal. Now I have to risk getting fired and losing everything just cause you SHIELD people are oblivious?" I take a deep breath and sit down. I can't let myself get to riled up or I'll go berserk.

"Things don't always go out as planned, now do they?" Fury says nonchalantly.

I sigh, knowing that there's no turning back now. "So what about those helicarriers?"


Though the hideout has plenty of gadgets, it doesn't have ours. Rodgers left his suit somewhere and now he's going to retrieve his old one. I on the other hand, left it at home. Though it's risky, I'm going to go anyway.

Upon my arrival, I am greeted by no one. OK, well, no one is here, so I guess that's good, but I can't let my guard down. So, I quickly enter my house and make sure to lock the door behind me. Scurrying to my room, I quickly pull up my floor boards and grab my cloak & mess, as well as my mask and new weapons. I put all of my stuff into a holdable bundle that won't grab attention and begin to walk out of my room, but stop at the sight of something shiny sitting on top of my dresser.

Huh, it's my phone. I forgot that I left it at home.

I quickly grab it and shove it into my back pocket and then I resume on my path out of here, but the moment I open the door, I am welcomed by a gun pointed right at my head. I suck in my breath out of surprise. 

Oh no...

Rumlow lowers the gun and begins to approach me, closing the door behind him, trapping me inside of my own home. "What do you think you're doing?" He asks me.

I quickly distance myself from him, getting way too nervous to be near someone, and answer, "You don't understand. SHIELD has been taken over by a really bad organization-"

"Hydra," he interrupts. "Yeah, I know..."

I stare long and hard at Rumlow, and then it finally hits me. My heart skips a beat and probably even breaks at the terrible realization. "You're part of Hydra, aren't you?" No wonder why I stopped trusting people, it's because this is what always happens to me. I get betrayed. "So this whole time, you've just been playing me-"

Rumlow comes over to me and gently grabs my arms. "No. What I feel for you is real. I didn't think that any of this would happen, but it did." He gives me a concerned look. "And you chose the wrong side-"

I stop him right there. "No, you chose the wrong side."

We stand here, close, for a long time in a non speaking state. We're completely against each other, but neither of us wants to let go. He's not going to stop me from leaving, and I'm not going to stop him either.

"Yvette," Rumlow starts.


He leans in and gives me a sweet yet quick kiss. "I love you." With that said, he lets me go. I process everything that had just happened and begin to leave. I try not to, but I end up looking back at him anyway.

I'm sorry we had to end this way.


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